This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
Anders props himself up against the wall, and runs his hands over his face. "I'm sorry. You shouldn'tve had to see that."
"Ah." Mako doesn't have to explain, he knows precisely what worse looks like. He lived in a Circle for most his life, desperation is far too common.
"I'd be the last to know, Mako. I'd try to sleep, but I'm not sure I could keep replacing blood as fast."
He runs one hand on the wall of the ship. "She's like a guardian, huh? All right. I'll stay away from anymore sharp objects tonight."
Mako pats the wall. "Most people don't realise she's more than she appears. See you."
And he leaves.
Anders waits a while, then forces himself up and onto the cot. He doesn't sleep, but he doesn't harm himself any further.
Small victories.
Some time later, he has a visit.
Circe doesn't bother knocking before coming in. "Hot chocolate," she says, holding a mug out to him. "Drink."
Anders accepts it, a little blearily, and hoists himself up into a sitting position.
"I assume you heard about last night."
He does so, dutifully. After a moment, he tries to speak again. "I'm sorry, it wasn't a reflection of my care, I assure you. You've all been very welcoming and kind."
-and then shifts, and pulls a gun from somewhere and points it directly at Anders head. "Do you want to die?"
Circe doesn't pull the trigger. "You're giving up. And I'm not even offended that you're not giving us a chance to help. You don't know us, and you don't owe us any faith. I'm not even that bothered that you're giving up on yourself. Having faith in yourself is hard. But you say you had friends. And if you're giving up on them moving the very ocean to get you back, you really needed new friends anyway."
"You said yourself that there was nothing that could send me back."
Her words don't stop the stirrings of purpose in him though. He is shamed by her, but in a way that makes him want to hope.