This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
Rex pads after them until a sharp whistle has him perking his ears up and haring off back towards the docks.
Mischa pushes the door into the building open. The immediate impression is that it's crowded, wires and speakers and dials and knobs, all intricately connected to each other.
Mischa tosses a towel at him. "There. Get dry. Try not to drip on anything. Water and electricity don't mix."
That gets him an odd look - maybe Circe hadn't shared that little bit of information?
"Circe doesn't share anything she doesn't have to. She said she'd found sharkbait, and that she was coming here for supplies. Nothing more."
"I'm not sure why she'd keep a secret. Though I guess I don't know much about anything around here."
"She's very distrustful. Got good reason for it I guess, but still." Mischa eyes him. "Trusts you a surprising amount."
"I suppose you wouldn't." Now Mischa's look turns hard. "You should know she's unavailable."
"Call it a friendly warning before you get burned." Mischa's tone is blatantly not friendly.