This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
Anders laughs. "Thanks for the hair care tip. Hawke would've told me to shave it off."
"I can't imagine something that wouldn't suit you. I will agree with the upkeep thing, though. Having to reshave once a week? No thanks. I already don't do that for my face."
He does, mostly causing splashes. "Now I look like an overgrown child." One of the kicks unbalances him slightly and he slips a little underwater, panic making him splash out with his arms. He manages to get his feet down and stands. "...all right, maybe I am an overgrown child."
Circe stays floating, a faint smirk on her lips. "You've got floating down. And I think you managed a couple of inches."
"You're right, I am a natural and I make this look easy." Anders returns to floating, and tries kicking under the water instead. In a few goes he manages to move kind of straight.
"Hurray!" Anders laughs. He is somewhat relieved. "I won't be winning any races any time soon, though!"
"Precisely." Circe spins over in the water and swims back towards the rock in the centre.
Anders tries to copy her, but ends up doing a dignity-free doggy paddle instead. "This is only slightly disheartening."
And now there is a dog in the pool as well, demonstrating the effectiveness of doggy paddle.
"Thanks, Mak. I appreciate that."
Anders stands so he can splash some water at Rex. "Show off!"