This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
"-How come he gets away with that?" Deke grumbles, helping the woman unhook Anders from the spike.
Anders is as helpful with the task as he can be, while also trying not to let his coat rip.
Both of the people lifting him are strong, and lift him up far enough that they aren't tearing his coat.
"There," the woman says, as they set him on his feet.
Anders drops onto his feet, and immediately starts ringing his hair. “Hopefully not dropping me right back in the ocean? Or at least, dropping me a little closer to Kirkwall. I’m not...actually sure where this is.”
...had he fallen unconscious? Had he actually drowned and Justice had only woken him up now? Just where in Thedas was he?
“Ah, it’s in the Free Marches? It’s, ah...are we in the Amaranthine ocean still?”
“...I’ve never heard of the Silent Ocean.” He’s only slightly panicking. Where’s Justice? He usually stopped Anders spiralling, even if it meant him turning blue.
Anders takes the outstretched hand, physical contact always soothing him. “Are...are we anywhere near Thedas at all?”
The woman smiles, and the answer is in that smile - she's never heard of the place.
"It'll be okay," she promises, squeezing his hand.
"No, we can't..." And 'Circ' is watching something else, something that no-one else can see. "Got a name, sharkbait?"
Where...where the Void was he?
"I'm...Anders. I'm Anders." They wouldn't even realise it wasn't his name. If they hadn't heard of Thedas, they hadn't heard of the Anderfels.
"I'm Circe, and this is my boat. You can call me Captain. Girl you're holding hands with is Tana, Deke," she points to the man who'd helped get him down. "And the shifter's Rex."
"Nice to meet you all. Thanks for fishing me out of the sea," Anders jokes weakly. Maker, when was the last time his heart beat like this?
Where was Justice?
"C'mon, figure the smoke's probably cleared out by now, you may as well come below." Her thumb strokes over the back of Anders hand gently.
“Well, being out the wind can only help,” Anders says, and his voice feels very far away.
"We'll get you something dry as well. Deke, you got anything to spare, the deeps know my shit ain't gonna fit him."
Anders follows, somewhat automatically. He feels the way he did when he was first brought to the Circle, and that doesn't sit well on him at all. There's an odd coldness to his limbs, and he's old enough now to know what that means,