This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
"It's clear!" Tana voice comes from a small square speaker above the button.
Rex palms the door open and steps inside.
It's crowded, with half finished projects scattered around. Tana grins over at them from a workbench, a set of goggles in place over her eyes.
"Hey. Rex giving you the tour?"
"Yeah, I guess this place can be quite like that. You'll get used to it. It doesn't really take that long."
The idea he has to get used to it at all is foreign, but he keeps a smile on his face. “We’ll take it day by day.”
"That's the spirit!" Tana agrees happily. "I'd say you're welcome down here any time, but my lab can be a bit perilous sometimes. That's why we've got the bell on the door."
"You'll find me very able to traverse perilous ground, especially if it means seeing you."
She laughs. "Incorrigible flirt. Just ring the bell before you come in. That way we can avoid any unnecessary injuries."
"Honestly, your privates would be the least of your worries. Only Circe's reflexes saved her a knife to the face. We agreed on the bell after that."
"We have managed to avoid ruining anyone's faces. And Circe admittedly joked that if anyone could lose their face it was her."
"That wouldn't do, a captain with no face? Sound like a nightmare."
Anders looks around the room. "All of this is quite foreign to me, but it's intriguing! I don't think even the dwarves are this advanced."
Well, that is interesting.
Anders takes another long look at some remarkable device, and smiles at Tana. “I think I might like that. Especially if I’m going to be here for a while.”
"Might be nice to get some company down here once in a while," Tana grins. "This one," she pokes a finger at Rex's side, "and the others are less inclined to hang out when I'm building."
"You literally just caused us to have to do an emergency breach, and you're pulling that up."
“I’ve been known to exacerbate things rather than calm them, so I wouldn’t put any money down,” Anders laughs.