This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
Anders touches it gently, this piece of home. It still holds a soft smell of elfroot, despite everything, and maybe that means Anders can go home. Eventually.
"I wonder what my family thinks of my sudden disappearance."
"I'm sure they're trying to figure out what happened," Tana says quietly. "C'mon, sewing kit's in the medbay."
Anders smiles gratefully over his shoulder at Tana. He then grabs his coat and follows her out.
"So, why isn't your wife aboard?"
"Ri's people sailed the surface of the ocean. She grew up under the sun. Add to that she's nearly seven foot, and well... Subaqua ships are not really designed for people her height. And she gets flinchy away from the sun."
“So she’s my height then,” Anders says, with a grin. “I don’t blame her. I much prefer the sun myself. How did you meet?”
"Actually Ri's taller than you," Tana says off-handedly. "Met while I was still trying to fix myself. She was trying to find work on land, barely spoke the language, and was hopelessly lost. We hit it off."
"It is," Tana agrees as they step into the medical bay, "but she doesn't do well under the waves, and I don't do very well on land. We make it work."
She rummages around in a cupboard.
"Rii says one of the guys she travels with is. Or is trying to. Something like that."
She straightens, holding out a small case. "Sewing kit."
"He like telling grandiose stories of heroes too?"
Anders accepts the sewing kit. "Thank you. I'd be lost without this coat."
"He sounds so much like Varric," Anders laughs. Part of him aches to think that, but it's rather comforting to know that Varric has a sort-of twin in this world.
Tana smiles. "Who knows? You might get to meet him and Rii. C'mon. Medbay is not a place I tend to hang out."
"Hey, maybe you can take over that. We don't have a medic right now. Last one...let's just say him and Circ had too many differences."
"Ah, yes. Circe did warn me about that. I'll be sure to only have minor differences with her," Anders says, only half-joking. "You all did fish me out of the ocean, anything I can do to pay you back I'll gladly do."
"I don't think you'll have the differences he did. He had no love of the Lord Protector, but damn the man was fucking devout."
She's leading the way back to the wardroom.
"Oh good! You won't tell Circe's she's going to burn in hell for saying the gods are dead."
“You won’t find me arguing the finer points of that with anyone. You want one about the freedom and equality of mages in Thedas, I’m your guy. Otherwise, happy to not. Out of curiousity though, dead gods?”
"The gods went to war with themselves and drowned the world," Circe says from the other side of the room. "None of them survived. Anyone who says different is deluding themselves."
"How to divide the world up? How they should be worshipped? Fuck knows, but the wars of gods are ten times more damaging than the wars of man and we're still paying for their ire."