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Edit History (Oldest to Newest)
Version: 1
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healing others with heal your spirit
Anders scoops Ant and Ira, and they all take a boat ride

A few days after the attack on Vigil’s Keep, Anders picks his way through the forest, trying to find his way back to the road. He grimaces a few times, as Justice flares beneath his skin. It hurts, in a strange way, like his skin doesn’t fit. 

Or maybe that’s how Justice feels. 

Version: 2
Fields Changed Subject
healing others will heal your spirit
Anders scoops Ant and Ira, and they all take a boat ride

A few days after the attack on Vigil’s Keep, Anders picks his way through the forest, trying to find his way back to the road. He grimaces a few times, as Justice flares beneath his skin. It hurts, in a strange way, like his skin doesn’t fit. 

Or maybe that’s how Justice feels. 

Version: 3
Fields Changed Status
Version: 4
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