Miranda gets lost in an IKEA
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"Will you allow me to export my phone data? It contains personally important notes."


She nods. 

"That should be fine. Tell me what you need for that and I'll have it arranged."


"The notes are also private. If you weren't going to let me export the data I'd want to factory reset the device before handing it off."


"I'm afraid that we can't ensure the confidentiality of any information from inside the anomaly."


"Perhaps you could elaborate on that."


"We will not share the information, but it will need to be checked for any hazards before it can be returned to you."


"Does this process involve a person reading it, or some other form of inspection?"


"The initial part of the process is automated, but if it passes the first stage a person will read it. They will not know who you are or have any way to tie the information to you."


"Mm-hm. Well, I want everything in the folder of text files labeled 'hourlies' from before the end of May. The May ones are backed up at home."


Dr. Guerrero escorts her to a bland meeting room where she can back up her phone. 

Then she is escorted to an empty room with nothing but a chair and table holding a tray.

"If you would leave all of your personal effects in the tray and then proceed through to the shower. There will be clothing for you one the other side. We ask you to spend at least twenty minutes in the shower, a timer is provided inside. The shower automatically dispenses several cleaning agents. It will beep before it does so you can close your eyes."


"Is this just soap or something more exotic? How will it affect my hair?" Her hair is in tidy microbraids.


"Mostly soap, along with a few other de-contaminants I unfortunately do not have time do explain. None of it will be harmful. It shouldn't interfere with your braids any more than a normal shower with uncovered hair would."


"If you don't have time to explain perhaps you could tell me what they're called so I could look them up later, if I wouldn't recognize the name."


"They aren't publicly available."


"What a surprise. What kind of doctor are you, Dr. Guerrero?"


"I was previously an infectious disease specialist. Now my work is broader. Decontamination isn't my primary job, but I am one of several doctors in this facility who can do it if the need arises."


"Did you ever see patients? Because I don't, but I still know how the standards of informed consent work. And I'm aware you have some reasons to be casual about consent but I'm not aware of a reason to be so about the informed part especially just because it's not convenient for you."


"The information about the chemicals uses in this process is classified. I simply can't tell you, even if I could explain it in a reasonable period of time."


"And when you say none of it should be harmful are you eliding over any allergies you're assuming I don't have, any assumptions you're making about my state of gravidity or future plans for that, any medications you're figuring I'm probably not taking or conditions you suppose I'm unlikely to have..."


"We've checked. You have no known allergies to any of the substances you'll be exposed to. None of them will interfere with future or current pregnancies. You're also not taking any medication that would cause issues. We've done our research, Dr. Kirsch, but safety is more important to us than confidentiality. If you cooperate, this will be over with quickly and you'll never have to deal with any of us ever again."


"Doubt that last part," she says. "Are you like this because you don't expect anyone you run this protocol with to remember you?"


She looks surprised for a moment, but quickly schools her expression into one of professional politeness. 

"Why wouldn't they remember us?"



"Amnestics," Miranda says. "Kyoya thinks you're going to want to recruit me because I can remember what's in this, among other things." She holds up the necklace. "Does that go with the rest of the personal effects?"


This time, she doesn't manage to conceal her surprise.

"Kyoya?" she asks sharply, eyes on the vial, "Kyoya Ootori? You met him? How?"


"He was in the IKEA with me."

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