They were excited to go to university. They will probably, they estimate, be excited to go to university again in the future.
Right now they are not excited to go to university.
"... you may be a me. But you're still an alien. And I think that the plan would go better if I were part of you, so that you have a ... Þereminian perspective."
"And do you think that joining would also be what is right for you, not just your planet?" Amethyst gently asks.
Sargeþi looks across at the magical alien space princess that she could have been, if she had been born in another world.
She looks ... calm. She looks happy. Experienced, and confident, and ... better at adapting to the ridiculous circumstances that are, apparently, going to be her life now.
Sargeþi considers what it is like, to be alone. To have one frail human body, and one forgetful human mind. She considers what it would be like to be together instead.
"Yes," she declares. "Yes, I think it would be."
She was in one place, and now she's in more. She's still herself, still here, in the bar, the leather seat warm beneath her.
But she is also everyone else.
She is cuddling a sleeping man. She is making pastry with a friend. She is studying in a laboratory, raw magic crackling in her hand. She is deciding what the best way to separate two involuntarily conjoined twins is. She is giving a speech in front of the people's assembly. She is kissing a creature made out of starlight. She is gently nudging two galaxies so that they won't collide in a billion years. She is fighting a terrible grey monster in a space beyond space.
She is sitting on the other seat, holding her hand.
She giggles, at the idea of talking to herself.
She steps up to the door, and throws it open.
"Hello, everyone! I am Amethyst, a benevolent alien here to welcome you into the inter-dimensional community. I'm sending this message to everyone with compatible notification settings ..."