A metaphysical Something sneezes and a person appears in the air, ten feet above a grassy field.
A steady wind blows towards the crisp red sunset. The field is perfectly flat, interrupted only by a stone shed a few hundred feet away.
A metaphysical Something sneezes and a person appears in the air, ten feet above a grassy field.
A steady wind blows towards the crisp red sunset. The field is perfectly flat, interrupted only by a stone shed a few hundred feet away.
Apparently he heals people by being nearby and concentrating, like a 'doctor' in a violent RPG. Okay then.
She moves a bit closer, still giving them both space.
He ignores her. After half a minute his hand starts to glow a watery blue. "I'll need to touch you," he tells Tomas as he opens his eyes.
Blue light? Not that she doubts he can make blue light if he wants, but why is that part of healing; it's like if werewolves glowed whenever they reached into stone...
Rafiik puts his hand on Tomas's. The healing makes him feel warm and cool all over, not unpleasantly; his pain eases, not immediately but at a decent pace, and his vision clears up.
Mirana steps forward. "I think you should bring me too, or at least someone from Lei. I suggested Asrek because he's someone you've met, who has no knowledge of anything that has happened in the last hour, or anything you've said, if that's useful to you. He's just a musician, not a butler, if you prefer that?
I also speak five languages" frown at Tomas "but if there is something in particular you want we can probably find you someone who can do it."
"The problem with that is that I don't trust you. But if" subtle handwave "you're done with lying to me, you can come with us a little way while I think about it." It's not the least sketchy thing he's ever done, but he has an intuition.
(Mirana does not recognize the hand gesture.)
"Well I don't trust you either! But I think it will be good for both of us, at least assuming you care to some slight degree about truth and justice!" Oops she didn't mean to say that part out loud. Her post-cry wobbliness must really be hitting her. "Uh so if you want to go to the FD, there's a small piece of it to the north*, 15 hours by equartier, and just beyond it is most of the Allheart Alliance, which is most of the countries that support neither Lei nor FD. Most of the FD is to the south*, 3 cycles from here by equartier, or more like 6 by sled, and some distance farther to wherever their capital is currently." She raises her voice - "But we will go by equartier because it would just be petty to refuse that to him now, yeah?"
* 'north' and 'south' are the directions perpendicular to the ecliptic.
The guard dispatcher is finally on the scene. "Answer so everyone can hear. Yes - "
And an Emperor, via tengu, takes over: "and we'll give you a letter, in less than a minute, granting you free travel throughout Lei, second degree of priority use of all transportation, room and board at any shrine, and the power to question anyone, one person at a time, for up to one hour, no matter what important work they're doing."
Tomas wants to go north so his communication isn't limited to swearing, but he stays quiet about it.
North sounds like the better bet to Rafiik, too; it gets them out of the Lei sooner and if he turns out not to want to get involved in the war he'll be better positioned to do that. "Explain equartiers?"
"A species that runs very fast, especially in long straight lines. We'll need one to carry each of us, unless you can somehow make yourself small or easy to carry. They're also good at smashing buildings. We'll probably stop so the equartiers who have been running can rest and new ones start carrying us."
"I can stay on things a nonJedi couldn't be on safely, but I wouldn't want to do it for fifteen hours. I want my clothes back, too, and a bag to carry them and the papers in. Tomas, do you know of any reason not to go north?"
A catfolk butler scrambles out of the nearest hole carrying a large piece of stiff leather with ornate writing in multiple glittery colors.
Another one will come in a few minutes with a bag and Rafiik's clothes.
Presumably (or, well, hopefully) if Tomas had any objections to going north he would have taken the opportunity to voice them, and that's what Rafiik was trying to get at in the absence of the word 'objection'.
He's not thrilled about being carried, the idea of his route being under Lei control doesn't appeal. On reflection he'd give pretty good odds of the whole trip being below ground, though, in which case it hardly matters, if something seems wrong he'll need to abandon his ride and get topside to walk either way. "Are there places for sleds to go up here?"
The disembodied voice speaks again. "Please wait one moment..."
(A kitsune relays the query to a lesser shrine focused on logistics and brings back the answer...)
"If you want to stay above the surface, there are two main routes: darkward by ship, then north along the Alhekte cargo sled, through the Pes orogeny, and then the Sient Road cargo sled, which will take 59 hours; or, brightward by ship and then north by the Great Sled, which will take 48 hours. If you want to be on the surface entirely, not below or above, the durations of the two routes will be 103 hours and 168 hours, respectively, or approximately 3½ cycles and 6 cycles, assuming a typical walking speed and rest time."
The idea is to be able to see that they aren't bringing him somewhere they shouldn't be, and with a complicated route he can't check that by watching the horizon. He'll have to see if he can get ahold of a map at some point, so he doesn't have this problem again as easily, but he doesn't trust them not to give him a doctored one. He is really starting to regret not going back to Tython, as unclear as it is that that would have saved him from this mess. "The equartiers are fine. Tomas, Mirana, do you need anything for the trip?"