A metaphysical Something sneezes and a person appears in the air, ten feet above a grassy field.
A steady wind blows towards the crisp red sunset. The field is perfectly flat, interrupted only by a stone shed a few hundred feet away.
A metaphysical Something sneezes and a person appears in the air, ten feet above a grassy field.
A steady wind blows towards the crisp red sunset. The field is perfectly flat, interrupted only by a stone shed a few hundred feet away.
"Hurt, break them! Clean the whole planet and put better people here instead, because they're bad - gross, like bugs! - like the Sith."
...did he even mention the Sith? ...once, yes, back when he was first trying to figure out what was up with this place, with no detail. "Nobody here is like the Sith," he sighs. "And I'm not going to kill anyone. Why did you think I might?"
"How do you know you'd be able to tell? If they made the first of us, a long time ago - the first of us, who made catfolk and werewolves and elves and all the other species, would you be able to tell? Ohhh! I bet the female breeders look like the Sith more! So that's why it's impossible to control them!"
"I don't know if they made you. That's different from whether you're like them, I can see with the Force that you're not corrupted, you're just people."
Rafiik smoothly steps out of the way; either his reaction time is superhuman or he saw the punch coming before Tomas properly threw it. He gestures for Mirana and Saiel to stay behind him.
"I'm not going to hurt you." It might be kinder to make a Trick of it but misuse of power is a bad road to go down. "Just wait here."
He goes over to Mirana and Saiel, circling around to keep Tomas in sight. "How are you doing? I meant it, that even if the Sith made you you obviously aren't like them."
"I don't know. I don't think I should stay here. Are you going to be in trouble because of that?"
"Why would we be in trouble? We didn't do anything wrong... Wait are you going to the FD?! That's exactly the sort of thing they'll tell you - that Lei kills people who don't do anything wrong. And they -" she pauses and adds quietly: "There are so many lies there that sometimes people are wrong but they think they're right."
"You could easily have killed him, with the bicycle," he says, inclining his head to indicate Thomas. "I'm going to need to look for lies no matter where I go." He sounds tired.
"Yeah, and he knew it was a dangerous job. That's not what I mean. I mean people in the FD will say, the Lei will kill you even if you were trying hard but made a mistake, or the Lei will kill you if someone important is unhappy, or the Lei make you work all the time, or no one in Lei likes anyone else, and all sorts of things that are just wrong, things that can't possibly be true."
He'd buy that more easily if they hadn't been scared of displeasing him. "I know countries lie about each other sometimes. I'm not going to do anything to the Lei without making sure I know what's true. I don't want to hurt people." He's sixteen, for kriff's sake, he doesn't want to get into the middle of a war, no matter how curious he is about the diplomatic details. "I just wanted to know if I should think about taking you with me. But if you'll be safe here, I don't think we have anything else to talk about."
He heads back over to Tomas - has he calmed down at all?
"So you're going to hear everything they say, but you heard hardly anything from us!" she calls after him.
Here's some lies for that liar, that's only fair. "I would like to come with you, sir. They'll kill me now that I'm not useful to them anymore. I speak five languages and I'm trained as a mediator."
...Annoyingly, that was mostly true. He would not actually 'like' to go with Rafiik, but it's better than the alternative. The Lei will probably keep him prisoner, not kill him. He speaks two languages well, one haltingly, can ask for and understand directions to the Sota embassy in one, and swear obscenely in one more. He did actually train to be a mediator, although he failed his certification.
Rafiik wouldn't give stellar odds of the Mind Trick still being in place at this point anyway, the advantage and the disadvantage of placing a want like that is that wants are often temporary. "If you try to hurt me again I might hurt you very badly, I don't know how to fight people who aren't Jedi or Sith. But if you'd rather come with me than go by yourself, sure. I'll heal you, anyway." He lowers himself to the ground and closes his eyes to meditate.
Apparently he heals people by being nearby and concentrating, like a 'doctor' in a violent RPG. Okay then.
She moves a bit closer, still giving them both space.
He ignores her. After half a minute his hand starts to glow a watery blue. "I'll need to touch you," he tells Tomas as he opens his eyes.
Blue light? Not that she doubts he can make blue light if he wants, but why is that part of healing; it's like if werewolves glowed whenever they reached into stone...
Rafiik puts his hand on Tomas's. The healing makes him feel warm and cool all over, not unpleasantly; his pain eases, not immediately but at a decent pace, and his vision clears up.