A metaphysical Something sneezes and a person appears in the air, ten feet above a grassy field.
A steady wind blows towards the crisp red sunset. The field is perfectly flat, interrupted only by a stone shed a few hundred feet away.
A metaphysical Something sneezes and a person appears in the air, ten feet above a grassy field.
A steady wind blows towards the crisp red sunset. The field is perfectly flat, interrupted only by a stone shed a few hundred feet away.
He bounces out of the way, and considers leaping to the roof of the shed but decides that might be too much of a provocation and turns to jog away instead - he'll head for some of the kites.
The person with tusks follows him but doesn't attack again.
Another humanoid emerges - smaller, with a thick square snout - and walks next to him, asking a question in the same language.
The kites are large and each have multiple ropes which pass through holes into the ground. A few winged humanoids and a giant moth fly amidst the kites.
Man, he should have paid better attention in class, he doesn't recognize any of these species. "I'm sorry, I'm lost. Do you speak Basic?"
Square snout person smiles at him and tries another language.
One of the winged humanoids dives for the ground, not slowing down at all, and plunges out of view.
Meanwhile, underground, the guard dispatcher decides not to flood the Imperial shrine with exhalation gas. He sounds the alarm to dismiss the supplicants and call in the standby Emperors... and one of them recalls that the ground was ten feet higher here before the land was flattened. If the intruder is from the distant past, that explains why he doesn't speak Elvish.
A large canine humanoid takes the place of the square snout person and kneels before Rafiik. She says something softly, in yet another language this time!
Yeah he doesn't recognize that language either. He shoots a worried look over his shoulder at the tusky person, for show - maybe she can get him to stop following them and he can stop to talk.
She recites a code-phrase to the tusky person, who looks uncomfortable but stops following.
Another canine offers Rafiik a stone cup of water and a green latke with yellow berries embedded in it?
That's much better.
He gives the new person a smile, carefully not showing his teeth, but raises a finger in a 'one moment' gesture and closes his eyes to inquire in the Force as to whether the offered food and water are safe for humans.
Well, he's not actually hungry yet, it's not a big deal. But he does need to explain that he might do that... he checks his pockets, takes out a shiny pebble he picked up earlier, and telekinetically holds it a few inches above his open palm, checking to see what kind of reaction this gets.
Everyone is familiar with the gesture of demonstrating one's magic so one's species can be identified. Or, more commonly, pretending to do so in theater. So, good news, they're not alarmed by the floating rock. It's bad news if he was trying to communicate anything other than "I am the species that makes pebbles float".
The guard dispatcher, watching the scene from underground through eight multi-jointed periscopes (one for each eye), studies exactly how the pebble moves and what material it's made out of.
The visitor isn't a harpy or an aasimar. Types of magic don't overlap, so what is he doing that's different from harpy magic (slow floaty bulk telekinesis) or aasimar magic (freezing an object in location and state)? Perhaps he's making the pebble not have weight, or gain a repulsive force, or actually he's making an empty patch of air look shiny...
The effect that brought him here is different from the effect he's doing now. Does that make it more likely that he's here by accident, if he couldn't choose the destination himself? Unclear.
The Emperor said that he might be a forgotten species, sent from the past - by another forgotten species...
Why here? It must be deliberate. If he came from a time after the Imperial shrine was created, why doesn't the shrine contain memories of his species, or of him personally departing for the future? Was the information concealed for some reason? Is there a reason this place is important that predates the Imperial shrine?
In any case, a lavish welcome is in order. Which the werewolf butler is already handling, perfect.
If he doesn't speak Elvish, High Elvish, or even Ancient Felic, they'll need a way to communicate. Drawings? Linguists? An undine? The decision is not the guard dispatcher's job, but the security consequences will be, especially if there's going to be an undine slithering about stealing all the procedures and code-phrases.
(Yes, he thought all of that in the last few seconds. He thinks very fast.)
The floating rock is just the first part of the demonstration. When she's not alarmed - and it's honestly kind of weird that she's not, he doesn't fail to notice - he closes his eyes and sends the rock looping around his hand.
She still doesn't recognize his species but thinks that's neat.
The guard dispatcher does not think it's neat. He thinks that whatever it is, it needs to be farther away from the Imperial shrine. Somehow without angering their ally/enemy/god.
...he's not sure he got his point across but he's not sure how to make it clearer, either. Maybe he'll think of something later.
He looks around again - where are all these people coming from, anyway, can he tell? - but if he doesn't see anything else obvious to do he'll try telling her his name, putting his hand indicatively on his chest while he does so, and then ask for hers with a gesture and a querying noise. (The kneeling is weird, and he hopes he's not being as rude as he feels by not reciprocating, or indicating she should get up, or something. But there's no good way of dealing with alien body language, and trying to interface with it is more likely to backfire than ignoring it while clearly establishing that you're an alien and have no idea what's going on, per his diplomacy classes.)
They're climbing out a hole in the ground. It's just barely wide enough to fit one of the largest people, and there's grass growing right up to the edge. There are other holes like it a hundred feet away in each direction.
She nods. "Rafiik." She gives him an odd look, then indicates herself. "Werewolf."
Weird and slightly concerning that he didn't notice the holes before. Not that there's much normal about this situation.
He gestures at the plain around them and makes another querying noise, looking concerned.
"This is the Imperial shrine, for elves, it keeps the memories of the Lei Emperors." If he doesn't recognize werewolves there's no way he knows what an elph is but she makes a droopy-nose gesture anyway. Also she doesn't expect him to understand any of what she's saying, but maybe it's helpful to him anyway somehow? "If you're looking for something that used to be here, they'll know what happened to it. Probably it's still here, underground." She takes a stone cup off her belt, holds it up... and it slowly flattens into a plate. "Saiel, can you bring something to draw with?" she asks the other butler, as he returns with a small chair made of curving wooden strips.
He looks very concerned and bewildered at her reshaping the cup, and looks around again - the hole situation means he can't tell how many people there are or how surrounded he is, and that's making him nervous, especially with unknown... whatever that was... in the mix. (She's not Force sensitive, at this range it's fairly obvious, but then what was that?)
He's increasingly tempted to run, find somewhere to sit and meditate and see if the Force has any idea what's happening here, but between the rudeness of that option and the lack of anywhere to go, he's staying put for the moment. It's not exactly hard to tell that he wants to, though.
That scared him? Why?
Werewolves bring a stone folding table (and use werewolf magic to lock it), a bowl of curly vegetables and meat, a set of ten tiny pitchers, a dish of roasted nuts and berries, a strip of bark, and a knife and spork. Saiel returns with a stick of red wax, which the kneeling wolf offers to Rafiik along with the ex-cup.
He takes the ex-cup, slightly reluctantly, and the wax; he's guessed that they mean for him to communicate by drawing. He doesn't sit - in fact, what happens if he gestures for Werewolf to take the chair?
He makes a few test marks with the wax before sketching himself climbing the cliff, and then shows it to her, makes a confused and startled noise, and gestures into the air, mimicking a falling tumble with his hand before going 'oof' and miming dusting himself off.