It's nearer the end of the day than the beginning, when Dolça gets to the podium.
"I, Dolça the Slattern, rise to address a matter of utmost practicality. While many here speak of lofty ideals- censorship, magic – all worthy subjects – I wish to discuss the mundane yet vital matter of how we shall conduct our business. Those of us who are in business, know that without clear rules, no enterprise can long endure. This Convention, tasked with birthing a new Cheliax, is no different. The president was kind enough to impose some rules this morning, but there have been many strange things today. Committees have met in extraordinary session. Committees have been added, removed, and debated. Forms have changed. It's a mess, and I know messes. I therefore propose the creation of a Committee on Convention Forms, charged with establishing: The types and powers of Committees, the rights and privileges of delegates. This committee will also see to the improvement to the stipends of the impoverished, so that they may not fear go back to a life of poverty, after having performed such a vital task. I leave the membership of this committee up to the house, but reserve the chairmanship."