Cam and Sable in Terraria
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"Not for me. Brains don't actually have nerves in them, and I could just make the insert where it needed to be without going through my scalp, and daeva quick-heal from anything that manages to scratch us. But you should have a different model of computer, assuming you want one."


"What other sorts are there?"


"Lots. Do you expect to have informed opinions if I show you a catalog or should I just pick something?"


"I think I'll leave it for now," she decides. "Do you want to try on some wings? If you take yours off I can spend the rest of today figuring out how to craft them into a local set, and you can try on one of my spare pairs in the meantime."


"Yeah, sure. I'll nip up to the shower room and get them off." He nips up to the shower room. He comes back with an unmarked, slightly damp back, and a pair of gore-tipped wings.

Sable bundles the wings under her arm and hands him a tiny pair of wings out of her pouch. They appear to be made of pale orange fire, shaped into translucent feathers.

"These were my favourites until I got the ones I'm wearing."

When held, the tiny wings assert that they can be expanded to their full size at his leisure.

Cam takes them and peers at them and then expands them. "Very thematic, I like. Er, how do I...?"


"You just sort of... put them on. If you hold the end near your back, it pulls itself toward where it's supposed to attach."


Cam tries this. "They're not going to set fire to anything, are they?"

"No. You couldn't burn anything with them if you tried."

The wings tug themselves toward the correct position and orientation, and then vwoop onto his back and seal themselves down. A moment later, they start providing sensory feedback. The helpful Terrarian sense of what-to-do-with-this-object tells him how they are meant to move in order to accomplish various maneuvers. The fire-feathers are soft to the touch, and warm but not hot. Little harmless flames stream from their edges when they move through the air.

"These are... interesting. They have a surprising amount of tacitility. Are they - damageable? Advantage of my usual kind is that they count as part of my body and get the same indestructibility, and I'm not sure these can."


"They can be injured the same as anything, but they're pretty tough... how would you check if they're properly part of your body or not? They look that way to me, but I'm not sure I'd be able to tell the difference."


"I can try to declare them part of my body, but that doesn't give feedback all by itself, we'd have to see if they can be damaged more than, like, cosmetically - and similarly if they heal from that. If you can pull a feather out and I'm not trying to let you, they don't count, but would that break them?"


"No, the feather would grow back. Should I try it?"


"Go for it."

She pulls one of his feathers. It does not come loose.

It also doesn't hurt, although the wings politely inform him that the feather has suffered minor cosmetic damage.

"Oh, that's interesting. Doesn't give pain feedback, just kind of a notification. And it looks like they count! I like 'em. Pity they don't match my tail." Wag.


"...Wait, what do you mean it doesn't give pain feedback?"


"I mean it's telling me you crumpled the feather a little but it doesn't actually hurt. Usually I'd feel that kind of thing, I'm not invulnerable, just indestructible."


"...Mine hurt," she says, annoyed. "Ugh, I bet I know why, too. I have a kind of - ground injury; it makes most things hurt."


"...What, all the time?"


"Whenever I touch something, especially something alive but even air does it a little, or use my groundsense or go near blight or Corruption or Crimson. I'm used to it. And it's gotten much better since I ate a full course of life candies."


"Life candies?"


"They're candies you can find deep underground in Terraria, and they - well, the phrase the guide uses is 'increase your max life', but mostly what I noticed is that they make everything hurt less. And I guess they made me harder to injure too."


"Huh. I don't know if those would do anything useful for me but I'm glad they helped you."

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