Cam and Sable in Terraria
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Cam goes out.

Cam finds a nice bit of beach, and flies beyond it, and makes a platform of chlorophyte, and puts a house on it. The house is two stories and has nice big windows and is made of non-gridded wood and rocks and has attractive solar panels on the roof.

Cam lands in front of his front door, goes in, beckoning Sable after him, and finds his golden violin where he left it in its stand in the living room. He plays a triumphant arpeggio.

Sable giggles.


Cam puts it back. "So this is more or less my house. Want a tour?"


"Why not. It's weird everything not being made of blocks."


"In a good way? Anyway, living room." The living room, in addition to his violin, has a large screen, currently off, and associated devices, assorted, and a sofa, cozy and leather. Everything looks very homey. There is a dining room, and a nook off of that with dish cupboards and a dishwasher but no actual kitchen or food storage. Much of the rest of the first floor is his swimming pool, which is attractively tiled. There is a hot tub part. Up the stairs is his bedroom, his closet (currently empty) with a nook for a washer/dryer, his library (currently sparse), his miscellaneous-objects closet (currently empty), and his shower. He does not seem to have a toilet any more than he has a fridge. All the rooms have windows; here and there are houseplants, decorative thingamajigs on the wall, apertures through which things may be dropped into the disposal.


"I like your house."


"I like my house too."


"Are you happy with yours or do you want one with, like, plumbing and electricity?"


"Plumbing and what?"


"...Electricity." He flicks a lightswitch. Bulbs installed throughout the room start glowing. "For things like artificial lights and video games and a dishwasher."


"Oh. Hm. I do like video games. Is a dishwasher a thing that washes your dishes for you? I guess if I had a lot of dishes I'd like dishwashers too."


"Yeah, the big boxy thing in the nook by the dining room is a dishwasher. I put my dishes in it and it washes them. Requires both plumbing and electricity hookups. The video games you can run on batteries, which are stored electricity, as you saw. Electricity is the same stuff as lightning, incidentally."


"...Really." She blinks. "How's that work?"


"Do you want an impromptu electrical engineering lesson, because I can give you one of those but it will take a few hours to get from zero to video games."


"I don't have anything especially urgent to be doing today."


"Right. Electrical engineering it is. Are you a note-taking type?" Cam asks, pulling out his computer.


"Not especially."

"Here goes nothing."

Cam proceeds to give her a historically chronological overview of electricity and neighboring topics that seem worth summarizing (interaction with magnetism, the internal combustion engine, basic computing).

Sable is fascinated. And asks insightful questions despite her unfamiliarity with the topic.


Which he answers! He does not know everything off the top of his head, but his computer is very well organized.


Computers are nifty. Sable approves.


"Unfortunately, a computer exactly like mine requires brain surgery to use."


"That sounds unpleasant."

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