Cam and Sable in Terraria
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"G'morning. Is it in fact morning? If it is morning I should go make my house. Possibly after making you breakfast."


"I would appreciate breakfast! It's just after dawn," she says.


"Any requests? Also, if you already own dishes, using those probably makes more sense than me continuing to make them."


"I have some bowls and that's about it. Why not make more?"


"Because eventually the island would be buried under bowls and plates? But if you have no plates, have some plates." Cam makes two plates of bacon and sunny-side-up eggs and buttered toast and grilled tomatoes. And forks.


"You can stop making them if they start to pile up. And throw them in a pit of lava if you decide you made too many, I guess. Ooh, forks."


"Pit of lava? Should I redesign my trash disposal system again?" Nom.


"I use lava pits. I've never had one get tired of burning things."


"What are safe handling procedures for lava pits?"




"I mean, I assume 'don't touch them'. I will not touch my lava pit. But what should I be making it out of, does it need to be a certain distance away from other things, etcetera."


"I know how to deal with lava pits. I don't know how to tell someone how to deal with lava pits. They're... very Terraria. For example, it is possible to safely handle lava using an iron bucket."


" very Terraria."


"I did say."


Cam pulls his computer out of his pocket and pulls up his house design. "In my version in Hell, I have a disposal chute that leads to my black hole - uh, that would take a lot of explaining, but things that go in it cease to be. I was thinking I'd do an incinerator, here -" He shows her. "But if lava pits obliterate things a la video games, that might be a better choice, unless it means I have to radically change my insulation arrangement."


"They obliterate things pretty thoroughly. I don't know what you'd need to use to contain lava if you weren't using blocks and buckets, but when I build a lava pit, I use stone blocks."


"If I nudge the plumbing a little I can add blocks. The blocks themselves won't warm up? The lava will not make the air above it ludicrously hot?"


"It's warm, but it doesn't hurt you unless you touch it. And it doesn't destroy everything, but it destroys all the junk I throw in it. You might want to check, though. Oh, and it only destroys things when they're at least half submerged, so if you want to destroy something really big you'll need a lot of lava."


"What won't it destroy?"


"Non-junk? Good tools and weapons and armour and things."


"Well, that's nice of it. Is it going to be hard to get rid of my lava pit if it turns out it can't handle plastic or something?"


"Not especially. I can just carry the lava away in buckets."


"And the blocks can obviously be removed, since that's what you did to float your house. All right."


"Yeah. Any block can be mined, although some of them can only be mined with really specific tools. But anything will mine stone."


"Cool. Want to watch me make my house? I'm thinking of putting it over the water."

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