Cam and Sable in Terraria
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"I have a bunch of extra beds around because of teleporting mirrors, so you can sleep in whatever room you like."


"...Say more about teleporting mirrors?"


"There's a thing called a Magic Mirror and you can use it to teleport to the last bed you slept in. I managed to make a new kind that teleports to specific beds, but they don't work between islands, so they're not that useful."


"...If it doesn't work between islands it probably can't take me home to Hell, can it."


"Probably not, no. If the last bed you slept in isn't in the same island square as you, it teleports you to the middle of the island instead."


"...Will you mind terribly much if I try it anyway? I will happily leave you instructions on how to summon me, just..."


"Yeah, sure, of course." She pauses her game and gets up. "I'll go find you a mirror."


"If the world can summon me you probably can too," Cam says. "An hour at home will let me tell a friend to conjure up the parcels I want to send to my parents in Limbo and I have no idea if it will occur to anyone if I just disappear like I caught a zoo summon, that's all I really need to do, I don't mind hanging out here after setting that up."


"A zoo summon...?"


"Usually when daeva get summoned, we're confined to our circles until we're dismissed or we complete a task for our summoners. If somebody has a zoo - that's a sort of park with exotic animals for people to look at - and wants to put daeva in it because they are horrible, they can just summon some and then not dismiss them or ever give them tasks. Sometimes daeva get stuck in circles for years, although this is not common, or legal in mortal governance."

"That is horrible. Anyway. Mirror."

She darts off into the house, and returns a minute later with a small round hand mirror, which she gives to Cam.

It furnishes him with the ability to 'return home'. It isn't specific about what exactly that means or where home is.
Cam makes her a piece of paper with summoning instructions (for himself only, unbound).

And then he tries to go home.
He is now in the middle of a strangely regular forest.

Several walking corpses nearby immediately start shambling towards him, making horrible scratchy groaning noises.

He sighs and ices them and takes off, looking for Sable's house.

There's a floating thing over thataway but it is way too high up and may also be too big.

There's Sable's house! It has a walking corpse shambling around on the roof. As he approaches, the corpse jumps off the roof and falls. Splat.

Good for the corpse. Cam lands. Knock knock. "Middle of the island."




"So if I'm very lucky it will occur to someone to see if I've written them a letter, and if I'm not, nothing to be done about it, it seems. What's the other large floating thing?"


"Floating island. Some of the islands have those."


"Do they have their own unique monsters?"


"Just harpies. And wyverns, in islands that have seen the Wall of Flesh."


"How exciting. Well, since it doesn't seem to matter that the last bed I slept in is in Hell, I think I'll crash. Direct me to a spare bedroom?"


"The room you made the game in has a bed. So do a few others on this floor if you don't like that one."


"That one's fine." Cam goes back to that one. He flomps. He sleeps.


In the morning, Sable may be found in the room full of crafting stations, wearing her new set of green armour and green crown, still with the branch-and-web wings. The green armour is... very green. She is sitting at the complicated desk and peering at several mirrors similar to the one Cam tried.
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