Cam and Sable in Terraria
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"Your ground is alive," she says. "I don't know about anything else, but that part's clear."



She shrugs.

"And the NPCs are just... they don't even have as much mind as animals. Well, the animals here don't have much either, but it feels weirder with the NPCs because they're shaped just like humans."

"...Hmmm. If I make an animal, it will be a very stupid animal. Do you think you'd notice that?"


"Probably. Why?"


"Just getting a sense of the parameters involved; I don't especially want a pet idiot kitten."


"It could eat the idiot bunnies."


"They're probably a little smarter than demonic bunnies, I remember them hopping along like they knew how their legs worked."


"If demon bunnies are that stupid I'd definitely notice."


"Yeah, demon ability to make minds tops out somewhere between snail and minnow. Although if two demonic animals manage to have baby animals those will come out normal, so if you really want pets it can be arranged."


"I don't really want pets. I might want livestock but those take upkeep and I have better things to do with my time, especially since you can make food."


"Yeah, one hundred percent ethical dairy eggs and meat made direct."


"Ethical in comparison to what?"


"In comparison to slaughtering live animals. Some people feel iffy about that. Some mortals and I think some fairies go without eating meat, or animal products altogether, out of warm fuzzy feelings for cows and such."




"Angels and demons obviously don't have this problem whatever our position on animal rights."




"Do let me know when you're hungry again, by the way. Especially if you find Runaround very absorbing. It takes about five hours to play start to finish, usually, and this is your first video game ever."


"It's fun. The implications are weird, but I like the game."


"Lots more where those came from, if you want to take up a new hobby. Is there anything I should worry about if I fly to another island, play with architecture for an hour, and fly back?"


"Um - east and south of here are cleared islands that never had anyone in them. You'll probably be fine. North is a cleared island that has a few NPCs around who will call you Florence. I avoid those, they're creepy. West is my island, it's seen the Wall of Flesh, don't go there. Everything gets weirder and more hazardous after the Wall of Flesh has come by. If the sun goes down while you're out, flying eyeballs will attack you, but I'm sure you can explode them no problem. If it starts raining, flying fish will attack you, but same with them."


"And the fish and eyeballs are straightforward physical attackers, if I miss one they'll be doing nonmagical things to me?"


"Yes. Mostly just banging into you over and over again. They're more annoying than deadly even to those of us who aren't indestructible."


"Cool. Well, not exactly, but I will deal. I will leave you a Traditional Video Game Snack Assortment in case I become very absorbed in my architecture." He conjures up a bottle of Mountain Dew and miscellaneous forms of dayglo snackfood in a bowl.


She giggles.

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