And he will be offered some fruit, and a roast beef sandwich with tomatoes, and some potatoes and veggies with cheese.
"Well, it'll make you seem strange. You might not want to seem strange during all occasions you might otherwise - chirp."
"If you're trying to impress someone. Into believing that you won't fall for it if they try to trick you somehow, say, or into having confidence that you'll do something that's important to them."
"Or if you just want people to like you without having to hear and understand your entire life story."
"It is. But you're already working on it. Maybe spend the meeting sitting down if you're going to talk to foreign dignitaries. ...There are probably some foreign monarchs who want apologies about their daughters."
"It doesn't. Not directly. What it does is make it clear that you are concerned about how they're feeling and are in a position to not do it again."
"The families of the girls might want some kind of recompense. I can't think of a great argument for not giving it to them unless the treasury is in really bad shape, but if it is you won't be able to give everybody a non-insulting amount."