"Then someone will have to bring you things, but you'll probably get less variety that way."
Attempt to stand. He has that part more or less worked out by now, but the next step - so to speak - is still... yes, now he has fallen on the floor. He snorts.
"I sometimes find wearing shoes helps," mentions Carrabella. "Not with overwhelming consistency, but it can."
He looks around, locates the shoes, and manages a fairly effective slither-crawl in their direction, using his hands more than his legs.
It's mostly a hands task, so he has it pretty well covered; it's reasonably easy to guess things like which shoe goes on which foot and in what orientation.
The shoes are not a clear improvement, but Erian seems pretty content to keep standing up and then falling over until he figures out how the next part actually goes.
"I'll go ahead and ask the kitchen to prep a few things for you to try, since you don't know what human food you like."
And then having done that comes back to see how he's getting on.
He has reached a stage where leaning on a wall actually sort of helps, and is stumbling back and forth along the wall of their bedroom.
"What sort of food requires progress, anyway? Did they have to go out and catch it? I guess that can't be helped, I certainly can't hunt for myself in this state..."
"Yes. Some things can't be eaten without cooking them at all. Like potatoes. If you cook them they get soft and yummy."
He falls over, sighs, and climbs back up the wall.
"Would it help if I held your hand? I'm not the steadiest sort of walking stick but it might be better than nothing."