"It's much less of a mess. Still sort of untidy but not covered in blood and milk anymore."
"Walking's tricky. I'm barely qualified to do it, let alone teach it, unfortunately."
"Some people like it." Pause. "So we're married and your father is dead and I think you're generally acknowledged to be the elder brother."
"I think I don't want to be king of Mahlirou. I'd rather live in a swamp and eat fish and have a long lovely coily tail. But it seems like I don't get to do that."
"Well, people do sometimes eat fish. Otherwise... yes, that line of work is a bit inaccessible now."
"So if I've turned from a lindworm into the king of Mahlirou and I can't turn back then I guess I'd better learn how to be the king of Mahlirou. Apparently walking is involved."
"It's not strictly necessary. You could be king and carried around all the time in a chair. But yes, walking helps."
"I wouldn't like to make someone carry me around all the time in a chair if they'd rather be doing other things."
"You could pay them. Some people would probably rather carry you in a chair and receive money than not do it and not receive money. But you haven't been trying to walk for very long so you may yet manage it."
"It just doesn't work very well. It's completely different from how I moved around before, and balancing is hard."
"Do you want to show me? I might think about how I walk more than most people, maybe I am qualified to teach you."