"What can I say, 'follow instructions from mysterious old women very carefully' winds up being an important part of one's upbringing when one used to be a log."
"I should clarify, I was a log to begin with, I didn't get turned into one. My mother had mysterious old woman instructions to get a child and she followed them and got me."
"No. I remember waking up already being about six and telling my mother what my name was and asking what was for breakfast."
"No idea. I suppose you can ask if you spot a mysterious old woman, but it seems like a waste of a mysterious old woman. Speaking of which, I would like my mother to know that I have not been eaten, as soon as possible."
And the princess goes home and reassures her mother and comes back to the palace with a sackful of her possessions.
What is there a commotion about? If it were about her being alive she'd think they'd pay attention to her. Where are the princes?
It's quite a large room, and there is blood on more parts of the floor than there isn't. The blood is intermingled with fragments of lindworm skin. Prince Taphinieu is trying very hard to coax a maid with a mop into cleaning up the mess, but she doesn't want to go near it.
The maid bursts into tears.
"It's okay," says Taphinieu, "you don't have to clean it up, I'll find someone else." To Carrabella, he adds, "No one wants to go near the skin bits in case they start doing things again."
"I think they're not going to do anything else. But if I keep being the only one who thinks that, I'm going to end up having to clean this mess up myself," he says wryly. "Erian's in your room. I found him some clothes earlier and he put them on - that's when the skins started acting alive - but he stayed in the room because he's having trouble figuring out legs."