one of the old conduit rivals inspired me to write this
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The showerhead hook is conveniently located right where she'd want the showerhead positioned for rinsing her hair, while also not being too high to comfortably reach.


She can wash herself, and give her clothes at least some amount of rinsing with soap and water, and hang them to dry on the clothesline. And then go sleep on the floor, her phone is fried and she has no idea how long she's been awake for.


And now to see what's in the cabinet.


There's a splayd, a bowl, and a lot of food. There's not a lot of variety of food, though. At the front there's dehydrated potato flakes, rolled oats, soy milk powder, crackers, and peanut butter. With some rummaging she can turn up powdered eggs, rice noodles, and shortening.


Courtney thinks this might be nutritionally complete but she's not really impressed with the selection. At least it's not taunting her with milk she can't digest?

If she comes back here again she'll have to remember to have her fruit and fresh eggs or such with the pantry food. And bring a cup, she likes to have a drink with her meals. For breakfast today she'll have a bowl of water and then put together cold peanut butter oatmeal.


She washes her dishes and checks on her clothes. They're dry, but they smell a bit weird. Still, they're what she has, so she puts them on.

She might want to go back to Earth and empty her apartment, even if she kind of doesn't want to deal with it. The longer she waits the more likely it is that she'll be declared a missing person or evicted or something.


She can't actually go to Earth from here. She can go back to the dodo island, though.


Sure. It will probably be easier if she's not dripping wet.


Okay, now she can go to Earth.


She arrives in a park but gets the feeling she can teleport right into her old apartment, which is correct.

She starts moving her possessions into the stone room. She can't fit everything but her couch was really more of an aspirational purchase in the event that she ended up having friends and there's no way she gets a television signal in another plane. Conveniently, she does have backpacking gear, including a hand-crank washing machine.


She turns off auto-pay on her bills, emails her family with something vague about exciting new opportunities that will interfere with her telecommunications access, and … ugh, she might want to buy ammunition at some point and it's possible that if she just vanishes on her lease it might interfere with that somehow? She's not sure but she should maybe properly terminate her lease instead of vanishing.

She checks that nobody's looking and teleports the couch out to the dumpster. She will leave the television, it's much more mobile and it might conceivably have resale value and it shouldn't go in the dumpster.

The building manager at least doesn't have many questions once she pays the early termination fee.


She will go somewhere discreet, head back into her unearthly apartment, remember that she can't actually go places from her unearthly apartment besides where she entered it from, head to the dodo island, head back to her unearthly apartment from there, and get changed.

Now she has some appropriate clothing and weapons but she is not carrying a sleeping bag or a tent because she can just go back to her unearthly apartment every time she wants to sleep. It's great. Where can she go from here?


Lots of places. The place that seemed kind of like a zombie apocalypse but on more awake inspection seems to have a weird amount of castle for that? Colorful ocean she was in earlier? Hard vacuum? College? City she saw earlier? Teleporting around here? Some of the directions feel concerning but not all of them.


She is not going to go into hard vacuum without a space suit, that seems like a terrible choice. She is also very done attending college and does not want to go to the Plane of College. The sea is fun but she could use a swimsuit. The zombie apocalypse might also be interesting but she would like a gun for that.

Teleporting around here might be neat, she'll try some non-concerning directions that aren't too close to where she is.


Freezing area with wooly mammoths! Desert that could plausibly exist on Earth! Dinosaurs! Fortress that seems to respond to her presence!


What kind of response, though.


It seems positive and friendly. It's not literally rolling out a red carpet but mostly because it doesn't have access to good textiles right now.


Let's have a look. If things go wrong she can teleport out, because she is a teleporter and it's great.


Does she want to touch this handprint shape on a panel that's beeping at her?


It is going to prick her finger and apply liquid bandage.


It stops hurting pretty quickly (maybe there's an anaesthetic in the gunk on her finger?) but she still is going to take her hand away. What else is around here?


It's hard to tell what's going on. There are tanks of liquid that could fit a large human, one of which is now gently illuminated, and some holographic maps, but everything else is more confusing than those.


She should get a camera but she doesn't want to go to Earth. Maybe the other city has some for sale? She's not feeling a route to the other city but she did feel a route when she was in the ocean.

She will … go home, put on her swimsuit, head to the ocean, and then hopefully head to the city from the ocean and pop home from the city to put on street clothes.

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