Aurin is on the communication crystal with Mial, mid-whine about his most recent breakup (he liked this one!), gradually becoming less deaf to attempts to change the subject, when the crystal abruptly goes dead.
"Well, at home, when I vanished, it was about third-and-ten, which means it was three angles and ten degrees since dawn. What time is it now and what relationship does that have to things happening overhead?"
"Oh, well, that's very polite of Mial, isn't it, probably," says Aurin, and he turns human to pick it up and read it.
I found a transworld scry and you seem to be getting along with the locals. Song me when you want to come home. And turn human, I'm not drawing a summoning circle big enough for your natural form.
Aurin snorts. "He says to song him when I want to go home. Any tourist attractions it'd be criminal to miss out on besides this weird rock garden?"
"Graveyard," he corrects absently. "Well, I could show you the mouth of hell, but it's not very impressive to look at."
"A sort of... convenient access point for a number of prominent hell dimensions. Must I also explain hell dimensions?"
"Other universes, varyingly distant from this one, principally inhabited by demons and hell-gods."
Aurin shakes his head. "I don't much care to see the portal to the hell dimension, thanks. Anything else that ought to keep me?"