There are many people that a gang could set upon on a night, and even get away the victors. But even with the advantage of numbers, attacking the four tipsy people who'd been weaving down the street has turned out to be very much the wrong decision. Because the four tipsy people are in fact military trained. That they're tipsy barely impedes their reactions. It doesn't take them long to have it over with, breathing a little rushed, faces flushed with adrenaline and grins.
"I promise I will try my best to uphold that policy. You can summon from beyond the grave if I fail."
Aaren gives him a warm, but bemused smile. "How hungry are you? I know these two tend to eat like bottomless pits sometimes, but I figure I should try not to overwhelm you..."
Percy ponders. "I am mostly concerned about wasting food. But if you want to cook lots for me, you should go ahead."
Aaren hands 'Chelle two well filled plates, and picks up another two.
"Anyone got any plans for today?" he asks as he nods for Lan and Percy to take seats.
"I hadn't got much further than eating breakfast," Lan says cheerfully, digging in to his meal.
"Alain text me, figures we should go find out if Teo's still alive, he hasn't been responding to our texts." She doesn't seem overly concerned.
"-wait, when did I get added to those plans? I like Teo. I don't want him to be irritated by me!" (This is reaction is obviously more for hilarity of anything else.)
Bad choice of words.
"I mean, there might be things to do about my stay that should get out of the way first. And I have no plans. I would love to meet and irritate Theo."
That reassures them all some. "The details of your stay are 'the room is yours as long as you want it', and the only other question is your education, but that can wait for now."
'Chelle gives Percy a 'told you so' look. "Cool. I'll let Alain know? Unless you have some objection, Dad?"
'Chelle grins, and turns her attention to her own breakfast.
All three of them seem to enjoy it.
Once they're finished, 'Chelle excuses herself to let Alain know they're going to Teo's, and also to shower.
"Need a hand with the dishes, or can I go do that as well, Dad?" Lan includes Percy in that question as well.