There are many people that a gang could set upon on a night, and even get away the victors. But even with the advantage of numbers, attacking the four tipsy people who'd been weaving down the street has turned out to be very much the wrong decision. Because the four tipsy people are in fact military trained. That they're tipsy barely impedes their reactions. It doesn't take them long to have it over with, breathing a little rushed, faces flushed with adrenaline and grins.
When they get to the kitchen, she fills the kettle, and directs Percy to where there's mugs.
"Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate?"
"Yeah," 'Chelle admits, pulling the hot chocolate out. "Had bad insomnia...most of my life? Have hard time getting to sleep, randomly wake up. Great fun... Can you grab me the milk from the fridge?"
"Yeah, it does," 'Chelle agrees, pouring water into the mugs and stirring. "Used to it now. Only accidentally fallen asleep in class once this year, and that was because the teacher was insisting on recapping something I've been able to do since I was ten..."
"Yup," 'Chelle grins brightly. Stares down into her own mug, eyes the table. "Fancy going for a walk?" she asks, lifting her mug to blow on the contents.
It's instant hot chocolate, but it's warm, and good. (And 'Chelle's enjoying it, although there's a sense that she'd prefer her Dad's homemade stuff.)
"It is," she agrees, leading the way out into the hall, slipping her feet into her boots, and pulling the door open.
Of course he can! Here, this one looks like it shouldn't fit too badly, ignore the designer label, Lan doesn't care. And in fact, yes, 'Chelle should also put a jacket on, thank you for reminding her.
And then: out into the quiet street!
Out into the quiet street! Percy puts his free hand inside the jacket and sips again. He keeps his eyes alert, like someone used to more dangerous streets.
'Chelle's quiet, seeing no need to fill the silence as she sips at her own mug, both hands wrapped around it.
The way she leads them comes to a play park, and 'Chelle heads for the swings - this feels like a well worn ritual.
That gets a warm laugh and a surge of fondness. "Thanks, but not while I'm finishing my hot chocolate," she pushes the chain of the swing next to her. "Have a seat."
She hums quietly, using one foot to rock herself on the swing while she sips at her hot chocolate. "I didn't wake you up did I?" she asks after a few moments, not looking at him.
"Yeah, I hear that..." All of it, apparently, even what he's left unsaid. "Think you're gonna hang around for a while?"
Percy looks at her to gauge her reaction. "I would like to. I am pretty sure your dad would want to too."
She certainly doesn't seem to be against the idea. "Might be nice to have someone who's actually hard to beat at poker around."
Smile. "I promise not to go easy on you." He weighs his options. "It will be interesting, but not easy."
"The best things in life are rarely easy," 'Chelle points out. "But working for them makes them all the more rewarding."