There are many people that a gang could set upon on a night, and even get away the victors. But even with the advantage of numbers, attacking the four tipsy people who'd been weaving down the street has turned out to be very much the wrong decision. Because the four tipsy people are in fact military trained. That they're tipsy barely impedes their reactions. It doesn't take them long to have it over with, breathing a little rushed, faces flushed with adrenaline and grins.
Fernanda (who still is paying attention to the flying boys) answers. "We think it works with all kind of magics, you just have to figure out the right materials to use."
"Now is great," Theresa says. "We took the liberty of bringing sample materials." She waves at her purse.
Theresa will gladly guide Drex through how the process works for them and what materials should work for him.
She turns and points a finger at him. "You!" she declares. "-Wait. You're flying. You're flying. That explains so much!"
Snort. "So, here is the context. Angelique's identical triplets friends came up with a way to create magical items, including a flying one." He waves at the triplets' direction.
"You forgot the magic word," Percy teases laying down on the air with his arms resting behind his head.
Percy lands and offers the flying amulet with an exaggerated flourish. "Your wish is my command."