There are many people that a gang could set upon on a night, and even get away the victors. But even with the advantage of numbers, attacking the four tipsy people who'd been weaving down the street has turned out to be very much the wrong decision. Because the four tipsy people are in fact military trained. That they're tipsy barely impedes their reactions. It doesn't take them long to have it over with, breathing a little rushed, faces flushed with adrenaline and grins.
He's apparently not being as subtle as he might like, because 'Chelle shoots him a knowing look - and a grateful smile.
'Chelle and Teo don't start rooting for the sharks until after everyone's eating, thankfully, but they both apparently get frustrated by the characters lack of genre-savviness.
Percy is very focused on the movie. Which means he has nothing to do with that pillow that appears to have been thrown from the ceiling.
After that it's all a bit of a free for all, with the movie long since forgotten.
Eventually though, they'll tire themselves out. At least enough to stop with the pillow fight. (Nero and Teo seem lighter, somehow, in the wake of it.)
'Chelle drops down next to him and nudges their shoulders together companionably. "Okay, I'm pretty sure that the people probably won," she says, watching the end credits role. "Despite their spectacular lack of genre-savviness, so. What're we watching next?"
Percy looks at the options. There is a fantasy movie that might be the good kind of bad, but those often feature problematic parental situation... a gory horror movie.. a bit too similar to the other movie. "The silly parody of spy movies?"
"Ooh, yeah!" Nero agrees, and commandeers the remote before anyone can object - not that anyone seems inclined to.
"Thanks," Percy says just as quiet.
Then they can watch the misadventures of four spies: The wannabe James Bond, played by an ugly actor with a good looking body-double; the female fatale spy that complains how she can't get a second date (they all die, because of her!); the spy kid played by a 25 year old pretending to be a high schooler; and the janitor that stumbled into a super-secret spy project that turned him into the perfect killing machine.
There is much hilarity for all involved, and at some point, Alain flops over Teo's lap.
Eventually though, the movie ends, and Alain is looking at his phone. "Yeesh, hate to break this up, but I have to get home."