There are many people that a gang could set upon on a night, and even get away the victors. But even with the advantage of numbers, attacking the four tipsy people who'd been weaving down the street has turned out to be very much the wrong decision. Because the four tipsy people are in fact military trained. That they're tipsy barely impedes their reactions. It doesn't take them long to have it over with, breathing a little rushed, faces flushed with adrenaline and grins.
Lan flops in next to him, pulling his seat-belt on. "We need to take you and Teo on a car journey. Teo is allergic to seat-belts."
"Everyone belted in?" Alain asks as he turns the car on with one hand, pulling his seat-belt over him with the other.
'Chelle turns enough to look at him and explains where they're going. It's on a council estate rather than the suburb 'Chelle and her Dad live in.
"I probably don't need to say this, but if things aren't quite right with the house, don't mention it, we're here to irritate Teo, not insult him."
"Teo can be touchy sometimes, but don't worry, we've all fucked up, he forgives us."
And not too long later: they're here!
Pulling up outside another semi-detached house, this one smaller than Aaren and 'Chelle's, and looking a lot more tired.
'Chelle's out of the car almost before it stops, and skipping up the path to knock on the door, Lan right on her heels.
Alain's a bit slower, shutting off the car, and obviously trying to ignore the spike of anxiety and worry that's going through him as he gets out of the car.
Percy pats Alain on the back absently. Which isn't to say that he is being absent-minded while doing it, that's just the quality of the pat when observed.
"Don't worry," he whispers and quickens the pace so he matches 'Chelle and Lan.
The door's opening just as they reach it.
"Uh- Hi, guys, what're you-"
Beat, and he's covering nervousness with false bravado and an easy smirk.
"'Chelle, just where do you keep finding all these cute guys?"
Percy takes a long look at Lan and 'Chelle.
"It's a pleasure to meet you fellow cute guy," Percy says... in a way that's oddly Lan-like, but hard to pin down how. Except how it's obviously flirty.
"I'm more curious about how I manage to surround myself with guys who aren't entirely straight."
Lan drapes his arm around her shoulders as they step into the house past Teo. "That's just good taste, besides, if we're all busy flirting with each other, we don't flirt with you."
Teo smirks. "Welcome to my humble abode, Percy," Teo ushers Percy in to follow Lan and 'Chelle. "-is that take-out from your Dad, 'Chelle, really?"
"You're welcome," Teo says with a nod, turning to Alain.
The inside of the house is tired as well, in need of a fresh coat of paint - in part to cover the recently patched hole in the wall - and new light bulbs in the hall light. But it's clean.
Behind him, taking advantage of his apparent distraction, Alain's taken Teo's hand. "You okay, Anima?" he asks quietly.
Both of them seem to relax a bit at the contact.
"Come on, let's go drag Lan and 'Chelle out back. Nero's still sleeping."
Teo lets go of Alain's hand and steps past Percy, gesturing for both of them to follow.
"Teo's younger brother," Lan supplies, following Alain and Teo out the back door. "Cute kid."