niss and waltana go upstairs
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"Definitely, yes. Take shroomy out of the bag in our room overnight and tell him to guard. He'll listen to you if you're holding the 'Friendly' badge I made."


"Aren't you going to sleep in the same place so you could tell him what to do? I thought you'd sleep at night."


"Yes? Just, I'm going to look at that well, so remember that you can do it too if you go up first."


"Sure. I don't think these folks want trouble, just, you know."


"Better safe than sorry, always double check your own air line in the mine, don't remove the guardrails, all that." She nods firmly.


So Belmarniss goes to hang out in their room. There's a bed that they can share, and she crashes in the windoward side of it.


She fixes the well crank. Just some cleaning and shaving down part of the wood that's swollen and banging a clampy bit back into place and a bit of grease. She shows the barmaid the result in the steadily darkening twilight, by electric light, still itching a bit to Make Something.

...To bed after that, probably, unless anything significant happens.


Belmarniss, an arcane caster, sleeps soundly. Shroomy is guarding.


Morning prep- She cleans and checks everything while Belmarniss does spell prep. Breakfast. Whatever else they decided a gold coin is worth for travel rations. Walking six miles west to Fourchurches.


The gold coin got them a pile of crackers full of sesame seeds and more cheese and a salami and some sort of local bread with ground up lentils in place of half the flour.

The road to Fourchurches is barely a dirt path till it joins up with another such path. There's a toll collector, another mile after that.



.......What? Why? She blinks in confusion at this.


"You don't know why there's an armed guard just standing in the middle of the road either, huh?"


"Maybe he's a scout of some kind? To watch for trouble?"


"I guess, but the middle of the road is a weird place. I guess we can just walk up to him slowly and see if he says something."


"Plan Walk Forward Confidently it is, then."

She walks forward confidently.


"Hey. Five silver for the use of the road kept safe by His Lordship's efforts."


Glance. Hum thoughtfully.

"I have no idea if that's normal or 'these two look rich'. I've... Heard of this before? It came up in a comedy sketch in The Heterodyne Boys and the Man Eating Bridge. Is five silver worth avoiding a lot of fuss and noise? Put like that probably yeah."


"Sort of depends on whether he's really with the baron or not. If he's not I suppose we can tell the baron about him and see if we get paid to swing back around and beat him up. And if he is, well, we were presumably hoping for more of a bounty off the baron if we're bothering to talk to him at all."


Here's five silver. They're weird silver but if he makes a fuss about that she will... Glare at him, she supposes.


He's kind of weirded out by the silver, yeah, and makes a bit of a production of inspecting the coinage. "What is this, drow money?"


"Yes, but it's still silver. We're looking to ask the lord Gulian's people if there is adventurer work around here so we can get something more local."


"Hunh. Go on then." He aims a thumb over his shoulder.


On to the town, slightly grumped, then. She'll sling the launcher around now, too, since they're ""in safe territory"" now.


"If one of the churches is Abadar's they might be able to exchange at least some of our money, by hearsay."


"There ought to be ways to verify weight and purity, though I don't actually know them."

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