And we feel it like the shiver of a passing train
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"I wouldn't want to, without being sure that'd be enough of a sign to convince whole groups and not just halves of them, and without having a fairly specific sense of what they were ready to do. ....there are injustices afoot everywhere, but most places are much much less bad than Asmodean Cheliax, except Nidal where we don't have radio penetration. In Asmodean Cheliax it was hard to make things worse except by making it less likely we'd win the war. In Taldor I expect it'd be easy to make things worse. And in general - having an audience of millions is very fundamentally different from every other human activity. None of our instincts - yours or mine - are suited to talking to a million people at once. The results will not be what you expect, if you're new at it.

There's - a book published in America that I enjoyed greatly when I lived there. It is a book about an American travelling back in time to industrialize a kingdom of the distant past, and I was planning on doing that so I was very fond of it. It has nothing but contempt for the nobility, and a proper American pride in being free of them, but it has the good habit of - having things be horribly complicated even in the places where they look most blazingly simple. I have thought about adapting it for the radio. I wonder if you'd like to help with that. But - have some patience. We will build Axis in this world, in our lives, if we figure out how to build peacefully; and we will instead spiderweb our lands with trenches and send all our sons and brothers by the millions to the slaughter, if we can't figure peace out."




"Sorry, what?"


"The weapons of the modern world solve old ills and usher in new ones."


"I am against killing millions of people."


"As were most of the people who have done it. ....many of the people who have done it."

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