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And they walk back. I apologize for implying you were a child.


I'll survive the experience. It'd probably take me a bit to adjust to somebody who grew up over the course of a month and I should calibrate 'a bit' to local time, I suppose.


Thank you.


You're welcome. You okay? In general, with Findekáno?


Hmm? Oh, we're fine. I shall love him for all of the ages of Arda and he knows it. And I'd be ridiculous to hold a grudge with him for hurting you. Are you okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.


He likes you and is planning to ask you on a date again but if you'd rather he not do that I can tell him.


And it's okay with you? I took his word for it before but the look on your face was fairly awful.

I was angry with him but not for pursuing you.

It is possible that someday I will decide I want him exclusively. If that's relevant to your interest in pursuing a relationship with him. I don't think it's especially likely and it'd be many Years but it is something I could see myself preferring.

I was planning to hold out for monogamy myself and only reevaluated this in the local context, I don't blame you. Thanks for the heads up.


Fëanáro's sent some books by the time they arrive at the palace.

Kib hunts through them for something on golem vision, says, "Aha," and tucks the book under his arm.

Then he double takes at another book in the stack.



Kib picks the book up. "This one's in Harthanic. Why'd he send one in Harthanic, has he deciphered it already?"


"...probably. Particularly if the subject matter has enough in common with the books in the common."

Kib frowns at the title.

He flips through a few pages.

"I can't read Harthanic. Aly can."


"I thought I was making it up - I still can't read most of this but the alphabet's - if she was real -"


"You're having dreams of someone's memories."


"She's not just 'someone', though, I told you, she's exactly like me. Once I catch up - or even get close - to having her whole life it'll just be sort of - prepended onto mine, there's not an underlying personality distinction or anything - did I tell you that when I wake up the dreams are really clear for a little bit but then they don't fade away like normal dreams and they don't stick clear they fade back like they happened that long ago -"


" it possible that people on your world - don't die forever?"


"It's not a known phenomenon. - and the stork dropped me right about when I think she died, not, not a hundred years later or anything, people would have noticed, they would have been able to check. But... maybe Aly didn't die forever."


What share of her memories do you think you have, how long would it take to have all of them?"

"Not much, fractionwise. I get - three to six hours total a night, maybe, average midway between those? I don't think I get anything before she's about four, maybe almost four, so assuming she died at - would've been twenty-four - and I only get her awake, so two-thirds of twenty years is like a little more than thirteen years of total time to get through in random order a few hours at a time. But I could catch up even if the Valar don't make me immortal."


"But then - if you died, would there be a double stack of memories -"

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