Excellent. Best fabric store hookup. Kind of awkward to have you in my lap since you're so tall but I would be delighted to figure out alternative reciprocal arrangements.
"Okay." Snuggles. "I'm impressed everyone manages to braid their hair so neatly, I'd imagine it'd be hard to do without looking."
"Aww. Well, you can do it on my world but nobody'll have a clue what it means."
Snuggle. "Immortality would still have been nothing to sneeze at and maybe somebody would have tipped me off that there were places other than Tirion, but yeah, this is pleasanter."
And Kib takes a separate route back to the palace and goes to bed.
(Aly's inviting neighbors over because her teacher made way too much lentil soup, Aly's taking notes on a book about golem programming, Aly's talking to the Harthanic Preservation Society, Aly's cider is too hot and she burns her tongue)
Mostly Findekáno, although he'll have to come up with something else if Maitimo asks. At least he has a really good excuse to hum to himself as he walks place to place.