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He leans back and arches his back delightedly and his hair is in fact absurdly soft.


This calls for nuzzles.


The Tree the Elves usually sleep through reaches her very bright golden peak. The walls are pretty shaded. The city, even in festival season, is pretty quiet. Do you know how to sneak back into the palace? Not that you can't just walk in, but you told the whole city you like boys so you'll have a harder time passing off suspicious levels of dishevelment...


I have less hair to dishevel, Kib points out, running his hand through his hair and getting it more or less back into order. But by all means give me sneaking tips.


He rebraids his own hair, including the gold ribbons he wears in it. It is a lengthier project. Then he points out where the walls of the city can drop you into the palace gardens and where there's a back entrance in the gardens.


Convenient. Thanks!


I live there too. I will go in separately. Good night.


And Kib sneaks in and goes into his nice dark room and sleeps -


Aly washes dishes, Aly attempts to bake bread, Aly's not quite asleep anymore but she's sooooo comfyyyyy, Aly's teacher is sick and Aly and the one older apprentice are watching all the little ones -

- Kib wakes up.

He has no idea when he and Maitimo are supposed to play Governor but considering the excuse he gave a morning start is probably the better plan. Breakfast first though.

Maitimo finds him after breakfast. "Did you still want to play today?"




So they sit down and play. Maitimo mentions that his sister is settling in well and that Fëanáro and Nerdanel have built lots of shady places for her and that the twins have just realized she'll be a grownup before they are and are suitably annoyed.


"Aw, poor things. Are they going to lord it over her while they can or set an excellent elder sibling example while they can do that instead?"


"I imagine a little bit of both, They're enjoying the older sibling thing, though, they were always the babies of the family."


"And I heard there were no plans to displace them until Sudden Random Human Baby."


"My parents were quite done at seven, and ready to start making suggestive comments about grandchildren."


"...Suggestive comments about grandchildren are customary?"


"They are! When one is done with children but wants the family to keep growing one starts asking the children whether they are ready to settle down and have grandchildren! I am actually older than the age at which the Eldar typically marry, though my parents so far have not commented."


" they set you up on dates, or just confine it to remarks?"


"Depends on the parents. And on social class and a lot of other things, actually."


"...Humans sort of have social class but I suddenly suspect we have it really differently."


"At a guess you'd have it really differently because a lot of it is generational, yes. And because you die."


"How does dying interact with it?"


"You only have a hundred years to acquire social and personal and political resources, right? There simply can't be as many of them."

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