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"I -"

would have to get the Valar to send him home and doesn't have a boyfriend to defend anyway and -

"- can't even dance."

And he leaves.

And he dances. He is very good at disassembling.

Kib works on his scribe.

He organizes the books from his world. - Pauses over the Harthanic ones, but he probably just saw the alphabet somewhere and played it over in the dreams.

He sleeps. Aly plays with shines, Aly reads, Aly has the flu, Aly has a crush on a boy and that's fine because Aly's a girl presumably -

And he doesn't go anywhere near Maitimo.
Who would apologize, if they were in private, but it would honestly not be very much of an apology and he's certainly not going to track Kib down for it and -

I told him it was wrong.

Well, someone was going to.

But he did not already know. They don't have children on his world, they must just - not - care - no one in his life had ever told him it was wrong, it had not even occurred to him to wonder, and
I told him.

So apologize.

I can't chase him around to say 'sorry that was worded a little strongly but at least regarding the advice about asking men to dance was 100% sincere' -


He likes boys and he
hates me and I am the person who told him that he cannot just find someone he loves and build a life with him.
Kib works on the scribe. It's going to be a really fucking good scribe.

(Aly is fourteen discovering her sexuality with no anybody especially boys involved except the one who's dreaming it, Aly is six writing out the three questions -)

The festival is a three week one. After a week the person who comes in to bring him food doesn't leave once he's set it down. Akibel, right?


Yes? Kib's fine.


There's another musical performance tonight, want to come? You shouldn't spend festivals holed up in the workshop, we usually even drag the High Prince out for a couple of days.


I guess. I'm not used to festivals this prolonged.


I was not in fact threatening to drag you, if you'd rather be working. But Macalaurë's singing again, it'll be pretty.


Oh, all right, I guess I could use a break.


Excellent! If I sing for you d'you think we can climb the Mindon - the big tower? It's lovely up there, you can see the whole city, stay clear of the crowd a bit.


Maybe? If I fall off and break something I will blame your singing voice.


I shall accept this risk, he says solemnly, and they weave their way out of the palace. Findekáno, by the way. It is very nice to meet you and I am very excited for your scribe.


Nice to meet you too. I think it's going to be a good scribe, with nice handwriting and everything.


What sorts of things would affect a scribe's handwriting? They reach the base of the tower. He starts singing, and then starts climbing, showing handholds.


Fine motor control, how good its vision is - it won't actually know any alphabets, it'll just copy what it sees, you'll be able to give it atlases and such too - and how much attention I pay to that desideratum in programming it. Climb, climb.


And he helps him through the last, tricky segment of the climb - he's quite strong - and then they're on top of the world. Or on top of Tirion. It glitters less annoyingly from above. People are beginning to trickle into the square for the singing. It'll make books something everyone can own.


Do not all people own books here? I hadn't actually picked up on that, I guess it follows.


They take a very long time to write and illustrate. The palace has a library, my family has a library, the Fëanorians have a library, no one else has more than ten or so. And lots of people don't have any.


Well, in a few weeks you'll have a scribe and it'll copy books probably faster than Elves do forever if you keep it oiled and inked.


And that's incredible. He shakes his head. You are pretty incredible. Talk about landing on your feet. I am not sure what I'd do in a new world, but I don't think I'd take quite such advantage quite so fast.


I landed on my face. And I was really confused at first, but what was I going to do, lie around? I might go home after all though, once the scribe's done.


Yeah. Kid'll probably be able to servantmake, other people can do the programming part if she's not any good at it, brought a nice big selection of books...

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