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Which Kib eats, and - "...Now I'm tired. I'll see if I can stay up and push through to sleeping at Not Nearly Dark Enough To Be Night this time."


"We have foods that make one less tired," Maitimo says, "and songs, if you'd like either."


"Ooh, yes please."


So he starts singing again, a light fluttery song that does make Kib feel more awake, and then someone brings them both coffee, and then Maitimo has a meeting and apologetically departs.


Kib programs, and draws.


Someone he has not met brings him lunch, and then eventually dinner, and by then he actually is getting tired again.


"Thank you - can you tell me where the underground guest room I'm supposed to move into is?"


They can! His things have already been placed on a dresser in the blessedly dark underground guest room.

How nice. If learning the common catches on he may have to put a note on his notes warning people not to read them.

It's so nice and dark zzzzzzz.

It is still dark when he wakes up.


And he emerges like a gopher from its burrow and scares up some breakfast from somewhere and resumes programming and sketching, alternating each as the design from one comes clear enough to throw the other into better relief. Then he remembers this is the day he was supposed to do things with Fëanáro and goes and finds somebody to ask about where to find him.


The Crown Prince lives outside Tirion proper, they'd be happy to walk him on over there.


That would be very kind of them!


It's a fairly long walk. The palace to the edge of the city, down the extremely bright boulevards full of people showing off their things, then the edge of the city down along a sloping hill to a valley where a sprawling and of course extraordinarily pretty estate is nestled.


Kib sings himself the grace song on the way, to see if he's got it well enough to work yet. Or maybe he can't do magic songs same way the locals can't do servantmaking.


He doesn't trip, though it's a smooth enough road and a slow enough pace that's not decisive evidence.

Hey, for a long walk that's at least suggestive.

Hello, Fëanor's workshop.

It is larger and, well, prettier than the one at the palace, and he recognizes some of the tools but not all, and Fëanor turns around and recognizes him and says hello, it's midday so I hope you've at least eaten, how would I say that in your language?


"Hello, it's midday so I hope you've at least eaten," echoes Kib, by now pretty competent at the telepathy translation thing. "And yes, I had breakfast. Also! I hear you invented writing and that is really cool!"

I was not the first person to have the idea of having symbols correspond to sounds but I generalized it and developed the first alphabet that encompassed our language and I persuaded everyone to put it in use, so certainly among the inventors of writing. And thank you.

Explain to me how your magic works.

Kib pulls the shades off his face, runs them down into the palms of his hands. "There's a bunch of kinds of servants. These are shades I made out of shadows - the same shadow twice, actually - and you can do the same thing to patches of light. I'm operating them manually and using them to keep the bright off my face outdoors but they can also be programmed and move ridiculously fast when told to go at top speed, crossing a continent in seconds. I can also render animals obedient to verbal instructions - I had a bird here but I let it go except it'll come if I call it now in case I think of something I want a bird for. And there's also puppets, automata, and golems, which are all hardware servants that are respectively operated manually - like I'm doing with the shines - or do the exact same thing over and over, or respond to their environments in programmed ways. I've been working on a scribe golem, Maitimo's idea."


"And how do you make them?" HIs accent is not bad.


"Procedures are different for all of the kinds; it currently seems likely that only people from my world can do it for some reason. Maitimo tried making a shine, I telepathied him how -" It's like this - "- and it didn't work and I don't think he was making any mistakes, and we briefly thought Tyelcormo might be able to do it but it turns out he's doing something different from what I can do with an animal."


"And golems?"


"Basically more or less complex sculptures covered all over with writing describing how they're supposed to work. There is actually no reason a non-servantmaker couldn't sculpt and program a golem. I'd just have to wake it up. You could program shines and automata too, I'd just have to move the shine over its instructions or install the instructions into the automaton. And I can tell animals to obey other people, too. It's puppets you can't get any direct use out of."

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