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Does your species not grow facial hair? I suppose I didn't see anybody with any.


Oh! Some people do, but you have to be many thousands of years old.


Oh, male humans start in our teens. But I don't want a beard either so I shave it off.


If you don't want it why not not grow it?


...I do not control where hair grows, only what I do with it when it has sprouted.


That is very unusual. What do you require in order to, um, shave?


A very sharp blade, straight-edged, not too long.


I am sure we can find one. Maybe in a place that sells tools for sculpture or something. Shall we go looking?




It turns into a bit of a leisurely walk through town, trying more foods and fending off curious questions who want to know what Kib is - they wouldn't have bothered you while you were with the prince Nelyafinwë - but they do eventually find a razor.


Kib is prepared to inform people that he is a human.

They are pleased and confused to meet a human. Hi, human!

Razor acquired, shall we climb the walls and look out at the city?

Kib cannot so much climb things, unless this guide knows that song?


He does! And is happy to sing it while they go up the walls, it's barely even properly a climb, though it's long.


It's properly a climb if you are Kib! But he will try it with the song's benefit and not crack his head open.


Which is good because the view of the city and the surrounding countryside from the top is rather stunning.




Does Kib sketch? it's fun to sketch, or paint, up here. You can also sing windstorms down on everyone else if you're feeling mischievous, the prince Canafinwë once almost caused a tornado...


He can do technical sketches but doesn't have much experience drawing scenery.


He can take up a metalworking apprenticeship here if he is interested, the Noldor like metalworking. Here are some drawing trips for scenery.


He'd like to avoid anything as intensive as an actual apprenticeship here until he knows how long he's going to be around, which will depend on whether and how easily the Valar can access his world.


That's reasonable. Has he learned more songs? Here are some more cool songs - songs to make wind blow, though not enough of it for a tornado, songs that come with striking mental images, songs that leave illusions floating in the air.


He hasn't even learned the grace song well enough to sing it through without forgetting bits yet, it really doesn't help that he doesn't speak Quenya. However, he is very interested in learning magic songs.

In theory the songs should also be magic in his language, it's not like there's something special about Quenya. But composition is a very precise process - he explains it a little bit - so they can't just work out translations on the spot. They can sing the grace song a few more times? Maitimo was going to try to transcribe it in Kib's preferred alphabet, perhaps they can ask him about that this evening.

And then the lights are Mingling again.
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