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Go look for things. When you have the time. At least we are not in a hurry.


Will do. Keep an eye out for any provocations-to-reinvent-swords around here.


If someone makes a move for the crown I shall let them.


...that's not what I meant but okay.


He stands up. Let me know if you need introductions to anyone, anything like that.


...Okay. Are you holding up all right...?


This is a lot to process. I think I'm going to take the day off and go for a ride. I promise not to make any irrevocable or even difficult-to-revoke decisions.




I am very deeply impressed by your handling of the situation and I appreciate you tremendously.



He leaves. Findekáno watches him unhappily.

I think I will talk to my cousins before I go to the Valar.

Okay. Do you need me for any part of that process?


I don't. Do you need me?




Great. Let's get this sorted out in some nice clean way that doesn't disrupt fixing your world.


Nod nod.

He reschedules some things and goes out riding after Maitimo. It does not take him very long to catch up.


Maitimo says. I have some ideas about what could have happened but none of them are very actionable.

In particular?

If I was someone's second in command, and they were set on this, and our people were set on this, and it was happening either way and the only question was whether I'd personally be guilty of it - I think I might do it. Try to minimize loss of life. That's why I asked to see it, see if that's a conceivable interpretation - but there's not enough, and it did not look like that was what was going on in the bits there were...

And you can trivially 'avoid your fate' by deciding to instead sit it out, but that saves no one and so knowing this changes nothing.

Yes. There are probably other situations like that but that's the one that came to mind.

They are miles from civilization; there are trees all around. Findekáno kisses him. He goes very still for it.

This isn't something you're doing wrong, Findekáno says. I'm sure people will see it that way, should you go kill lots of people and this is ever revealed, but that doesn't mean they'll be right.

Says you're dead.


Do you think I killed you?

I am very sure that if we met in Mandos I still loved you.

How in Arda can you be sure of that.

...don't know. But I am. I will do everything in my power to stop you and if I have to I will kill you and regardless I will love you.

Kib, meanwhile, writes intensely oblique notes to self, and since he's waiting on others to petition the Valar he works on his scribe.

The Valar agree to two gates. Filtered so that anyone can only come through from the human side accompanied, on their first visit; after that they can return at will, and the system can be adjusted to close travel into Valinor temporarily.

Kib's ring of grace is finished.

Findekáno's cousin Artanis would like to talk to Kib.

Kib is willing to talk to Findekáno's cousin Artanis. Hello, Findekáno's cousin Artanis.


"Hi," she says. "My cousin is being very oblique but I take it you're trying to piece together the unknown looming disaster that a lot of people have started to catch signs is coming. And then disassemble it, maybe."


"Yeah, pretty much."


"I have dreams in which everyone I know is dead. It's Fëanáro's fault but I don't know why. I don't think he personally killed all of them. Gave the orders and made the weapons, maybe? Usually I am crying and then I am arguing with people."


"How is it you can tell if your dreams are prophetic, humans don't get prophetic dreams so I don't know -"


"Try telling someone about it and see if they can recite it back to you. No one can."

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