the hapless Lions: We Starve for lack of Nourishment.

the People (sadly): Surely this is a Sorry Scene, for the Lions are Innocent of Wrong-Doing.

Mammonous Bookmaker: That lions Starve is both Mercy and Justice!

"Intelligent" Mammonite THIEF: If I Enrage the People, they will Bet Rashly. And with my ill-won Gains I shall Congratulate myself in a Pamphlet, Thereby adding the Profits of Pamphleteering to the Wages of Sin.

the People: Noble Ideals move us to bet Rashly!

the good Queen: The Lions are Fed Amply on the Flesh of the Beheaded. It Does Not Stop Them Begging. We will not feed them Wain today lest they grow Fat.

the People: Calamity! We are Ruined.