"Well, I know that, but Vulcans are an endangered species now and the Council did not think it was the time to be exacting about what things are and are not my choice."
Then T'Mir will not have to correct him again about whether the Vulcan government requires overthrow.
"Resurrection?" he says.
"So there are enough Vulcans and they don't do that. And because they might die if they don't get married."
"I see. Yes, let's work on that."
"...I don't object to inventing resurrection, but that's a little more obviously magic than a cleaner longer-range transporter."
"It's... Should I just actually explain it? It's normally Vulcans-and-people-involved-with-Vulcans-o
"Normally, Vulcans are betrothed as children so there's no last-minute scrambling, the elder of the pair reaches the relevant age, they can sync up their cycles via telepathic contact during sex which leaves an enduring psychic bond that is considered equivalent to marriage, and then they make sure to be convenient to one another every seven years. There are ways to shuffle partners around, if the match is disagreeable to the principals - my father and mother were not engaged as children; his intended had to find someone else.
"I was not betrothed as a child either - my mother thought it would be barbaric - but even if I had been, when Vulcan was destroyed many people were left widowed or without their affianced. The Council is acting in loco parentis to pair us off. It's possible that they are typically announcing this to people beforehand but I did not make myself available to them in a - lucid state - and was thus surprised. I can only assume they knew my schedule because I provided it as medical information to my mother in case it was ever relevant and I couldn't disclose it."
"Yes, each time, but marriage isn't the only alternative because the telepathic contact part is optional. They'd found someone on almost my schedule, delayed my intended departure to pursue alternate treatment, and expected that would be that, but I managed to call Bella. Who then had to duel my affianced as though competing for my hand, because otherwise he would have died, but fighting is an acceptable substitute on a biological level - if seldom orchestrated to leave both parties alive in the state of nature. She put up enough of a fight to calm him down, knocked him out, and hauled me to my destination."
"Federation law officially doesn't know about this feature of Vulcans. Vulcan was a founding member and has some latitude. However, I believe public opinion would be strongly negative."
"No, that's exactly the sort of thing I'm considering. I don't want to make an enemy of the Federation or its members, but a carefully moderated statement - perhaps a series of them, this and genetic engineering and the Prime Directive, say, so it doesn't look like I'm taking my original grievances beyond the bounds of appropriateness - could coax its approach closer to ours, or lure worlds into the Elendil."