"Oh, I don't lose my ability to make facial expressions when I'm suppressing, they just wouldn't be meaningful and I don't prefer to make deceptive ones."
"When I'm doing that I don't feel anything, and I do it so I can think clearly instead of being distracted by upsetting feelings. Then I deal with the feelings after I already have thoughts about them set up."
"It's pretty hard for people who aren't Vulcans or part Vulcans to learn, but I could try, if you want."
"...Vulcan used to be a very violent planet, and then everyone started doing the kind of meditation that lets them suppress emotions and it became very peaceful. I usually prefer to have my emotions, but they're usually pretty nice; it's preferable to have the off switch. I'll walk you through a book on it to start and we'll see where you can get with it."
"...No. New Vulcan, like Vulcan, is a desert planet; I'm not sure there's a single boat on it."
"It's a little more complicated than that. But I am considering organizing a more moderate political complaint."
"I couldn't teleport. I was - unwell. I had to call Bella, and it was still more complicated than that."
"Vulcans have very complicated marriage arrangements and they had reasons. They were wrong, but they were not doing it to hurt me."