"Apparently my having departed the Federation for a viable alternative instead of just generically fleeing - and the fact that they know now that they want to look for evidence that warp equations were planted in a society - mean they're no longer interested in rearresting me. New Vulcan wanted to invite me to some kind of ceremony about it. I may go."
"Me too. Would've been potentially inconvenient, and it means we don't have to go through my mother to make legal purchases too small to bother commercial traders about."
"In a couple weeks. It'd be more than enough time to get there by ship if I were going to travel that way."
"They probably have spying capacity but we're not a big enough city to make it easy for spies to hide in the population yet. We'll want to do some background checking on the genetic engineers and the like. And yes, it was very pleasant."
"Betazoids are less prone to using sensory modalities the way you often send mental images by psi. Ferengi and similar species are immune to their - or Vulcan - psi, and may or may not block osanwë. There's not a known way for a non-psionic, non-immune person to block a Betazoid from their current thoughts, whether they're meant to be private or not; the defense for those people if they require one is to think about things they don't mind being read. I think those are the major differences."
"Bella can block me if I try to establish psi contact with her and she's not cooperating; but she's yet a third sort of thing. I don't know."
T'Mir thinks that use of Betazoid mindreading as a spying technique on a nonhostile neighbor is illegal, but that doesn't guarantee no one will try it.
Bella is in fact really good at shields but she can't produce flexible shields that have to live in non-subtle-artist brains. They might have trouble using osanwë through anything really robust.
She thinks she might be able to notice one trying to listen to her, so there's that.
Yeah, she's going, a little early. She teleports Prometheus to an obscuring nebula nearby and then flies the rest of the way.