"Materia's what I decided to name my plane now that there's more than two to factor in. The plane itself only metaphorically eats people but some things on it literally eat people and the plane in general is very dangerous and inimical to the practice of science."
"You have all kinds of people, and so does Materia, but Arda only has the Quendi, that's us. And it used to be very dangerous but then the Valar invited us to Valinor. Valinor is safe and beautiful and inventing all kinds of things but the Valar are scared and sometimes do stupid things and they exiled Bella so we had to fetch her and then run. My parents are going to miss me so we're trying to figure out how to message them and tell them I'm safe. And it takes forever to grow up, there. I'm a hundred and twenty years old."
"Things move very slowly there. I brought a lot of Materian concepts and then built on them very rapidly and they thought I was a bad influence."
"The justification is that they should be allowed to develop on their own without interference from farther-along cultures."
"They do," Bella says, "and so do the Maiar, but they're pretty much gods and it's not a really natural category to count them like another species on Materia or here."
"The Maiar vary more. I'm not positive the Valar were operating with consensus either now that I'm not stuck on my plane and I can think about it more fairly. But yeah, they have serious people skills gaps."