"The gods might send you home," he says. "They can be awful and mean; that's why we left. And they might change things so it's harder for other people to leave which would be bad. But I feel like if all that weren't true and you could just go walk through Tirion and then meet them, they'd be delighted, and it'd be lovely."
Eventually the Starfleet ship goes away. It is expected to come back later with an actual ambassador.
"It'll sound really weird to the locals and they might want to go investigate and we can't exactly just tell them where Valinor is."
"Warp doesn't have gods," T'Mir reminds him. "It probably sounded to him like there's a powerful species oppressing some Quendi somewhere and it won't be at all obvious that they're doing it with godlike power instead of by tricking you into thinking they have it."
"Well, the Quendi are technically pre-warp and so are the Valar, but they might want to observe. Especially since Valinor is in contact with," she gestures at the Prometheus, "a warp-capable civilization."
"Yeah. They won't know why we're letting them know where we are and not where you came from. Or where 'Bella's species' came from."
"Transporter technology does something a lot like teleportation. It takes a few seconds and it's tricky to do and it's visible and audible and it's shorter range, but so far they aren't sure that we don't just have a cleaner version of that."