Which the non-Quendi do on a regular basis. The day cycle of this moon is a little longer than Earth days, which seem to be similar to Materian days. But T'Mir can stay up longer than Bella can, a week if she really wants to.
"It's not very comfortable and I can do less and less complicated and interesting things the less recently I've slept," she explains. "Besides, now I have mana to worry about."
"I usually find that going two days without sleep is plenty if I want to do anything more complicated than read or listen to music, anyway, and learning and doing magic and studying law and diplomacy and such is definitely more complicated than that."
It's very nice, but T'Mir is fine in her ship. It's cozy and she's used to it and it has her ship computer in it.
It takes a little finagling to get the computer to accept earpiece calls, and it's slightly awkward to call T'Mir's mom and explain what's going on and ask her to buy Federation-computer-compatible music players for someone to go pick up (Davlians are working on getting system compatibility between their computers and Federation standard, but it's complicated work), but presently they have a device singing in every field.
...sure, summoning objects is not likely to be technically impossible. If this is a priority.
Reasonable. Work begins on object-summoning. This will also be convenient for immigrants who want to bring their homes.