"I realize I'm not getting a balanced understanding but they sound like they might be more trouble than they're worth."
"...I don't think so, they've been highly inconvenient to a small subset of people in - in their care, but on net compared to viable alternatives, no."
"They fought and stopped Melkor; no one else could have done that. They created the world and might actually be necessary to it, I'm not sure. And even beyond that - no one has died in Valinor," Rúmil says, "no one goes hungry or wanting for anything at all, everyone can study anything that interests them and usually find a Vala or Maia who will help with the research insofar as they're able - and on some tasks, they're tremendously able. Even with the slow pacing we are growing in leaps and bounds as a people. When they err they err very badly. But I don't think even Bella wishes she'd been summoned to a Noldo tribe besieged by monsters in the Outer Lands, where death was permanent..."
"...I mean, I could have helped with the monsters. Once I was convinced it was a science fantasy world. But. Yeah."
"All right. But I'm not sure they're a high bar to clear with such versatile magic on hand."
"Oh, if we were trying to import Materian gods or something, that would be really hard."
"I'm not sure if ascension will happen outside Materia - there are some magical changes associated with it. If it does, well, I guess we maybe have a hard problem on hand."
"If ascension happens outside Materia, getting there first seems like a plan to me."
"...power levels in Materia are prrrrretty much calibrated by how good you are at killing things, maybe if you have a soft specialty how much money you make. It's hard to evaluate us on either scale. If we go by something like mana capacity we're, maybe tenth or fifteenth percentile among people you can call wizards, now, but that underestimates us because we've got better-customized spells."
"Oh good! Maybe we can work out an arrow deflection variant that works on energy weapons too."
T'Mir is perfectly happy living in her ship but it's not really designed for more than one person to inhabit.
Bella magicked herself a bungalow like the one she magicked on Tol Eressëa. The spell should be adaptable to non-bungalow designs if desired.