It takes Bella a little while to get the hang of it again. T'Mir proves able to ice skate on only storebought boot level of boost and picks it up as long as that's what's happening.
There's this one planet that T'Mir dropped warp on which only recently put it into practice and has been denied Federation membership for showing signs of tampering; they're tentatively interested but would like a better idea of what they'd be getting into.
And now they have three member planets (and a moon, the new guys have an inhabited moon - well, and the one the oligarchs are building on is also a moon. Two planets two moons).
The Federation thinks they're a flash in the pan; apparently people attempt to federate all the time and it seldom sticks. But it's really confused about how they're getting around.
It is entirely plausible that someone with surveyor skills could have found and not reported the location of a prewarp planet!
"It will be sort of awkward if the Quendi leadership there and the Valar disagree on this point."