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"I am sure there is at least one dragon who wants to live in a science fantasy world and I would view that desire very carefully."


"Dragons are all amoral?"


"Probably not. And noble dragons keep their promises - I don't think they metaphysically have to like with Quendi oaths, but they just in fact do - so I might let one of those in if it promised to be law-abiding and I thought we had the right law set for sure. Dragons are just the kind of thing that may eat you in proxy of the universe if you fuck up, and I'm not totally easy about - letting them out?"


"Yeah. Very much so. It's your world, I'll defer to your judgment."


"There's not very many dragons, anyway, it's probably not a bad plan to add one species at a time and allow a while to adjust every time."


He nods. "Starting with humans?"


"Already got one and a half."


"And they don't seem to have species-wise proclivities to murder or dependence on other species, so. I'm very glad Valinor didn't get a nymph thrown at us."


"...the poor nymph. I mean, the Valar could have sent her back... or maybe somebody would have wanted to marry her smart quick, nymphs sometimes do get married..."


"I am very sure that if she needed to be married to stay alive someone would have married her, but it doesn't seem exactly ideal for either party. Probably the Valar would have sent her back."


"Yeah. Honestly I'm not sure we'll get any nymph immigration to speak of, Mother Khaele might disapprove and they're all hers."


"I do not think we should let Materia's gods immigrate even if they're so inclined."


"Yeah. They can stay put."


"Will they?"


"...Probably. I mean, they'd lose their being-epic universe-enforced protection, if they left..."


"...but they'd still be extremely powerful things, right?"


"Yeah. We should leave nymphs and anybody else they'd be likely to take notice of until we are also extremely powerful things, I guess."


"At this rate I'm not sure that'll take very long. Even the gods can't invent spells, can they?"


"Spells do get invented, gods can invent them - they can't do science though."


"I suppose perhaps we should be learning some combat spells, here."


"Yeah, maybe."


"How many of the humans we pull through are going to be more powerful than us? At a guess?"


"Depends how we pick them. My parents aren't. Their friends... aren't, but might surpass us in some specialty, since we haven't been doing combat magic and I'm not a very offensively powerful subtle artist. A lot of people if we insist they leave their magic items behind won't be anything special but would have threatening magic items."


"Speaking of magic items. I noticed you're back to your old boots. Did the ones that let you ice skate break in Materia?"


"...well, this is a new pair, but yeah, storebought, the ones I made broke."

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