"Oh, Fëanáro," she says. "I did. Are you okay? Are all of you okay? We're petitioning to get Bella let back into Valinor-"
"No," he says, "this world is nicer anyway, it has another Bella and it has starships and we're getting a planet and saving everyone in Materia and founding an alliance and there are billions of languages."
"And no danger?"
"...can I talk to Rúmil about that? Not right now, maybe later?"
"Yeah. He's here. We're in a starship. I'm sorry for scaring you but I had to get Bella."
"I know you felt that way. We love you. We just want you to stay alive."
"Well. I'm alive."
"Fëanáro, please come home. Just to visit, if you really like your world better. Come home and tell us about it and we'll talk."
"The Valar might not let me leave."
"Then you could build starships here."
"I don't want to come home until I'm grownup."
"And we don't want to miss you until then."
(The bystanders are not privy to this conversation because that is not how earwires work. Bella and T'Mir chat about Bella-and-T'Mir things.)
"It's not perfectly safe! There are all kinds of anomalies if you explore deep space long enough, there are hostile cultures with advanced weapons, I'd be legitimately terrified if we met Klingons or Cardassians."
"Their language has nothing to do with it. They're a warrior culture, very easily provoked and very good at fighting."
She pulls up a picture. "Same basic principle but different underlying technology compared to phasers, which the Federation favors and which have stun settings. Point, pull trigger, energy shoots at the target and they're stunned or injured or dead."
"It's still probably a good idea to avoid Klingons. They have a well-documented language for a hostile species, you can learn it without meeting any. And listen to their opera if you like."
"Well, the people who are authorized to get them in trouble are other Klingons, so they need reasons that are satisfactory to them, but not to us. And Klingons find many reasons for violence satisfactory."
"...so, put them in prison against their will but it's not violence because we aren't injuring them?"