Bella doesn't think the current teleportation design will actually carry a whole ship, even a smallish ship, and presumably if it's impounded it can't take off from where it is.
They probably would! Also they could steal a library. This would not be very nice of them but then they would have a library.
...That is not what nice means. They should probably replace the library with something like a library of Warp music on a crystal ball or something as compensation.
"Wizardry seems like lower-hanging fruit, I'm not very musical unless you count humming along to things while there's miles of vacuum between me and the nearest lifesign."
"This might actually be the same question as whether illusion sound of magical music would work but I don't know if anybody got around to testing that, I never invented a longer-duration spell than that and you need a lot of practice to push the cantrip version long enough..."
"Machines can be - shown a song, once, and then play it just the same as many times as you like. I listened to music a lot in my ship but I wasn't producing much of it."